Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/32

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16 AELBERT CUYP SECT. 65 inches, and was probably the picture shown by Matthew Anderson at Leeds, 1868, No. 898, and there wrongly identified with Sm. 98. Exhibited at the British Institution, 1815. Imported into England by Alexis de la Hante and bought from him (for 1300) by Sir Abraham Hume, Bart., who owned it in 1834 (Sm.). In the collection of Earl Brownlow, Ashridge Park. 29. SHIPS ON A PLACID RIVER. On the left is a landing- place in front of an inn shaded by great trees. Numerous persons are embarking in boats. In a fishing-boat in the foreground, a man is mending his nets ; two other men in a little boat are setting their nets. On the right are several ships, one of which is firing a salute. This is one of the master's best works, in the style of the late Baron Ferdinand von Rothschild's picture (36), if not quite so sunny. Canvas, 32^ inches by 59 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1889, No. 79. In the collection of the Earl of Wemyss, Gosford House. 30. A PRINCE LANDING AT NYMWEGEN. Sm. 12. In the left foreground on the placid stream is a sailing-boat, seen almost end on ; it is crowded with people. A boat is being rowed from the centre towards the right ; in it are a prince and his suite, with trumpeters. Behind it to the right a stately fleet lies along the shore. At the back are seen the houses and church tower of Nymwegen. It is a sunny evening. This is one of Cuyp's masterpieces. Canvas, 45 1 inches by 66 inches. [Pendant to 36.] Mentioned by Waagen (ii. 48). Engraved by J. Fittlcr, and in the "Stafford Gallery," No. 37. Sale. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 69 (1785 florins, Delfos) ; it was in this collection in 1752 (Hoct, ii. 490). In the collection of Lord Francis Egerton, 1834 (Sm,). In the collection of the Earl of Ellcsmcre, Bridgewater House, London, No. 216. 31. A LAN DING -PARTY: ON THE MAAS (Or, View near Dordrecht). Sm. 216. By the bank to the right lie some fishing- boats with their sails up. In front of these are two boats, one of them carrying two sailors. In the foreground to the left a broad row-boat, seen in a foreshortened view, is approaching ; it carries eleven persons, some of them men of distinguished appearance. On this side the river is seen in long perspective ; its bank is fringed with low bushes and reeds. In the distance are numerous vessels, some of which are firing a salute. The effect is that of early morning in summer. A "superlative pro- duction," the " great charm " of which consists in its " illusion of salubrious warmth and serenity " (Sm.). Panel, 28 inches by 35^ inches. Mentioned by Waagen (ii. 187). Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, 1871, No. 209, and 1889, No. 8 1. Sales. J. Goll van Franckenstein, Amsterdam, July I, 1833, No. 14 (10,200 florins, Brondgeest for Verstollc).