Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/359

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vni PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 343 Signed in the centre at foot, half under the frame, with the early monogram ; panel, 1 1 inches by 9^ inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1873, No. 221, and 1902, No. 174; said in the catalogue to have come from the Desenfans collection. In the collection of Sir James Carmichael, London. 299. TRAVELLERS RESTING. In a hilly landscape. To the right is a cliff. A man in a white shirt on a grey horse. A fine picture of the early period. Signed with the monogram. In the Rumjanzof Museum, Moscow, 1901 catalogue, No. 559. 300. A HORSEMAN ON A BROWN HORSE. In a broad landscape. Behind him is a dog. Both he and the dog are going from left to right. Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; panel, 13^ inches by 12^ inches. In the collection of the Earl of Carlisle, Naworth. 301. A HORSEMAN ON A GREY HORSE. He halts by an old wall, round which the road winds towards open country. An old beggar, hat in hand, steps humbly towards him ; the beggar's wife, with a child at her breast, stands at the side. [Pendant to 313.] Signed with the full monogram ; panel, ii inches by 10 inches. Sale. Count Schonborn of Pommersfelden, Paris, May 17, 1867, No. 136 (24,500 francs ?). In the Oldenburg Museum, 1890 catalogue, No. 1 80. 302. A MAN ON A GREY HORSE CONVERSING WITH A MAN SEATED AT THE ROADSIDE. Sm. Suppl. 177. A man in a red jacket on a grey horse in profile to left speaks to a man seated at the roadside with his back to the spectator. To the left, in front of him, sits a woman holding a sleeping child. In the right background is a plain ; to the left is a hill which two men on foot are climbing. A fine picture of the transition from the early to the middle period. "Painted in a clear and silvery tone" (Sm.). Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; panel, 12^ inches by II inches. In the collection of Count Cobenzl, Brussels ; acquired from him, in 1777, by Prince Galitzin for the Empress Catherine II. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1006 (Sm. valued it, 1842, at 160). 303. A HORSEMAN ASKING HIS WAY. A rider on a brown horse halts before a poor cottage. He has his back to the spectator and appears to be asking his way of a boy who stands to the left, hat in hand. Near him on the left are a horse at a manger and a man. Formerly ascribed to Pieter van Laer. Panel, 19 inches by 16 inches.