Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/366

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350 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. In the collection of Lord Ashburton, The Grange, 1 842 (Sm.) ; sold with the collection, August 1907, to Messrs. Agnew and others. In the possession of the London dealers Messrs. Thomas Agnew and Sons, January 1908. 329. A LADY AND GENTLEMAN HALTING ON THE ROAD. A lady on a cream-coloured horse, with her back to the spectator, and a cavalier in a blue doublet, leading his grey horse by the bridle, halt on a road following the bank of a river to the right. Near them lie two dogs. In the reeds to the left a sportsman is standing. From the right comes an angler with rod on shoulder. At the roadside a woman nurses her child. Near her sits another woman with two children under a tree. An early work. The grey horse with white and brown spots has been much repainted. Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; panel, i inches by i6| inches. In the collection of Count Brlihl, Dresden. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1014. 329*7. A Lady on Horseback. i6| inches by 14 inches. Sale. Cornelis Wittert van Valkenburg, Rotterdam, April II, 1731 (Hoet, i. 369), No. 43 (66 florins). 330. A Lady and Gentleman on Horseback. Sm. 149. The lady is in yellow. A woman begs from the gentleman. Near them are a sailor and a boy with a horse. On the right are houses, a boat, and two bathers. Two trees in the landscape. [Probably identical with 337.] Panel, u inches by 17 inches. Sale. Re*mont, Paris, July 6, 1778 (1501 francs). 3300. A Lady on Horseback galloping. She wears a pictur- esque male costume. She wears no hat, but a veil which flutters in the wind. The horse is a bay with a white mane. Near her runs a negro carrying a big sunshade. Signed ; panel, 12 inches by 12 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 4, 1785, No. 156 (13 florins, Martins). 331. A Lady on a White Horse. Sm. 195. She is accompanied by a huntsman and a boy leading a pack-horse through a river. On the bank sits a woman with a child. Canvas, 15 inches by 21 inches. Sales. Marquise d'Albert, Paris, August n, 1788 (2301 francs). Marin, Paris, March 22, 1790 (1851 francs). 3310. A Lady and Gentleman on Horseback. A saddled grey horse stands near a tree-trunk in a landscape. Farther away are a cavalier and a lady on horseback. In the foreground lies some game. Panel, 14 inches by i8 inches. Sale. J. A. Versijden van Varick, Leyden, October 29, 1791, No. 81 (17 florins 10).