Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/377

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 361 hills. The foremost travellers rest on the left beside a fountain, on which three stone female figures with trumpets and other instruments stand on a globe. The most prominent figures are those of a man in dark blue on a grey horse with his back to the spectator, and of another man in a yellow jacket and red breeches on a brown horse which is drinking. An early picture of brownish tone. A scratchy signature towards the left ; canvas (probably transferred from panel), 27! inches by 32^ inches. In the possession of the London dealers P. and D. Colnaghi and Co., March 1908. 373. Horsemen halting. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 14 inches by 20 inches. In the Lyons Museum, 1903 catalogue, No. 201 ; given by Jacques Bernard, 1875. 374. LANDSCAPE WITH HORSEMEN. They rest at the foot of a tower. Signed, P. W. ; canvas, II inches by 14 inches. Exhibited at Mainz, 1887, No. 296. In the collection of the late St. C. Michel, Mainz. 375. HpRSEMEN APPROACHING A RIVER. Sm. 307. Three cavaliers are in the foreground, to the left of the centre. One has dismounted to tie up his boot. To the right, in front of them, two dogs run towards the river. Farther back a man leads from the water a horse which draws a net on shore. To the left of the horse are a peasant and a woman seated. Still farther back are two fishermen in a boat. From the extreme left of the middle distance come two other horsemen. A beggar asks the man in front for an alms. Panel, 12 inches by 16 inches. Lithographed by Akeman Allesson, 1820, from a picture then in the collection of Count Rechberg, Vienna (Sm.). Sale. King Maximilian of Bavaria, Munich, December 5, 1826, No. 89 (700 florins) ; it had come from the collection of Queen Isabella of Spain, according to the sale catalogue. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 513. 376. TRAVELLING MERCHANTS HALTING ON THE ROAD. Sm. 354 and Suppl. 156; M. 60. Three travellers halt on a road which leads past a ruined house on the left. There are a woman on a white horse, in profile to the right, with a basket of goods fastened to the saddle ; a man on a brown horse, to the right, facing the spectator ; and another man who has dismounted and stands with his back to the spectator and holding a stick, beside his horse to the right in front of the others. This man converses with a woman seated by the roadside to the right, with a child on her lap. To the left of her, farther back, stands a boy ; in front of her is a black dog. Still nearer the front a white dog drinks from a puddle. An early picture in spite of the full monogram. Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; panel, 16 inches by 19^ inches.