Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/379

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 363 379c. Travellers and Horses resting 1 . Sale. S. Dayrolles, London, May II, 1786 (88 : 45.). 379</. Travellers and Horses resting. Sale. London, 1788 (45 : 35.). 380. Travellers Halting on the Road. In the centre of a hilly landscape with a river two horsemen have dismounted. One, in red, stands near a tree with his back to the spectator ; the other, facing to the front, holds his horse's bridle. Near them is a group of beggars a woman with two children on an ass, a man asking an alms, another man, and a dog. To the left a traveller, seen from the back, is with a man and woman near a well. In the middle distance are women with bundles, a man leading a horse, a dog, and a sportsman. Canvas, 25 inches by 29 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 26, 1799, No. 9 (3450 florins, Viet). 380*. A Halt of Travellers. Sm. 276. Sale. Lord Clanbrassil, London, 1814 (103 : 193.). 380^. Landscape with Travellers reposing. Sm. 508. In the foreground are travellers reposing. Near them a man holds a white horse and a bay by their bridles. On a bank beyond, a peasant leans on an ox harnessed to a plough. To the right is a horseman, preceded by a woman and child. Panel, i inches by 18 inches. Said by Sm. to have been in the Dresden Gallery, 1829; apparently this was a mistake, as no such picture is known to have been there. 381. Travellers resting. Sm. 389. A barren landscape. To the left is a tent, with a large canvas, hung from a tree to a pole, under which six persons are resting. At the entrance to the tent is a traveller on a grey horse, seen from the back. A woman stands beside him j a man sits in the tent. On the other side of the traveller is a beggar. In the centre foreground a man draws a cup of wine from a cask for a traveller with a dog. 12 inches by 15^ inches. Engraved by Aliamet as " Halte Espagnole." Sale. Prince Galitzin, Paris, 1825 (4000 francs). In the possession of T. Emmerson, London, 1829 (Sm.). 3810. Travellers resting. In a hilly landscape are peasants on horseback, and travellers resting near a stream in which two boys are swimming. Canvas, 15 inches by 19 inches. Sale. Bleuland, Utrecht, May 6, 1839, No. 410. 381^. Travellers Halting on the Road. Three horsemen, one of whom is on a grey horse, halt on a little hill and converse with a soldier on foot. Near them three other soldiers rest on the ground. Panel, about 21 inches by 26 inches. Sale. C. J. Stiers d'Aertselaer, Antwerp, September 18, 1848, No. 6.