Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/382

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366 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. 389^. A Grotto with Horses in it. Sale. Cornelis van Dijck, The Hague, May 10, 1713 (Hoet, i. 162), No. 30 (42 florins). 389*:. Horses and Figures in a Grotto. Sale. Amsterdam, May 8, 1715 (Hoet, i. 184), No. 6 (170 florins). 389^. Landscape with Ruins, Horses, and Figures. 23 inches by 18 inches. Sale. Martin Robijns, Brussels, May 22, 1758 (Terw. 188), No. 36 (425 florins). 390. The Interior of a Grotto. Sm. 98. A lady and some gentlemen enter to inspect an antique vase on a pedestal. One man with his whip draws the lady's attention to the inscription on the vase. Panel, 1 1 inches by 1 2 inches. In the Braamcamp collection, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 511). Sale. Gerard Braamcamp, Amsterdam, July 31, 1771, No. 288 (410 florins, A. van Aalst). 391. A Grey Horse grazing in a Ruin. Near it is a man holding a saddle. Farther off are a mounted cavalier and two sportsmen with their implements. Panel, io inches by 12 inches. Sale. M. van Coehoorn, Amsterdam, October 19, 1801, No. 86 (161 florins, Spruyt). 3910. Travellers in a Grotto. In the opening of a grotto, a fine grey horse is being saddled. Behind it a woman with a child sits on a bay horse. Farther off are two dogs. A woman and a boy come down a hill at the back. Panel, 15 inches by 19 inches. Sale. Engelberts and Tersteeg, Amsterdam, June 13, 1808, No. 168 (70 florins, Roos). 39 1 b. A Lady and Gentleman in a Grotto. Near them is a tomb. Farther back are two horses, one ridden by a cavalier, the other held by a boy. Signed with the monogram ; panel, 13^ inches by i8 inches. Sale. H. Reydon and others, Amsterdam, April 5, 1827, No. 170 (80 florins, Van den Berg). 39ic. A Rocky Grotto. In it stands a monument on which hangs a metal shield. A cavalier is about to strike the shield to raise an echo. Signed ; panel, 13^ inches by i8 inches. In the Weyer collection, Cologne, 1863 (Parthey, ii. 809). 392. Travellers halting under a Rocky Cave. Sm. 143. On the right are three horses. The nearest is lying down. The second, a grey, stands in the centre, with a man beyond leaning against it. The