Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/410

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394 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT drawn by a horse which a countryman leads, goes down a hill to the right. A woman sits on the hay. Panel, 12 inches by i6 inches. Sale. Brussels, December 5, 1906, No. 85. 474#. A Horseman and Figures before a House. Panel, 14^ inches by 13 inches. Sale. London, June 10, 1907, No. 95. 475. RIDERS HALTING AT THE INN. On the right, two riders halt at the door of an inn. The cavalier with a plumed hat has dismounted from his horse, which a groom is watering ; he holds out his glass to a countrywoman, who fills it again. The lady sits in her saddle, and with her right hand pushes back her veil. To the left, in a group, a horseman with hawk on wrist gives an alms to an old beggar-woman. In the background of a landscape darkened by a thunder-cloud is the sea. A genuine work, but restless in composition. Panel, 13^ inches by i6 inches. Sales. Fran9ois Nieuwenhuis, Paris, April 28, 1881 (7000 francs). M. Rikoff, Paris, December 4, 1907, No. 26. 476. A STABLE- YARD. Sm. 316. Almost in the centre stands a dappled-grey horse, saddled, in profile to the left ; a stable-boy holds it by the bridle. The rider stands to the left with his foot on a box or bench, fastening his right spur. A well-dressed lady stands behind him to the right, facing the spectator ; she is about to mount a bay horse, held by a man behind her. To the left, near the cavalier, is a barking dog ; behind it, three horses stand at the rack. The first and third are saddled ; a groom appears to be removing the bridle from the second. On the extreme left, by the edge of the picture, stands a woman with a child in her arms. On the right, behind the grey horse in the centre, is a cavalier on another grey horse, facing the spectator ; he converses with a smith who stands near with a dog at his feet. Behind them is the open gateway, through which a lady with falcon on wrist rides in ; her figure is partly in sunlight. A dog runs beside her ; to the right, behind her, a man with a gun walks away. In the stable to the right are two other horses in profile at the manger and rack. In front are a cock and two hens. Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; panel, i8 inches by 25^ inches. Exhibited in the Six collection, Amsterdam, 1900, No. 169. Sales. Van Wassenaar-Obdam, The Hague, August 19, 1750 (Hoet, ii. 292), No. 25 (875 florins, Brouwer). M. van Coehoorn, Amsterdam, October 19, 1801, No. 85 (1810 florins, Roelofs). A. van der WerfF van Zuidland, Dordrecht, July 31, 1811, No. 125 (1205 florins, Molemans for Van der Werf of Haarlem). Jurriaans, Amsterdam, August 28, 1817, No. 77 (3200 florins, De Vries). In the Van Winter collection, Amsterdam, 1829 (Sm.).