Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/429

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 413 leads forward a lady. On the right stands a grey horse ; a saddled bay horse is held by a groom. [Pendant to 850.] Signed on the right at foot with the full monogram, which is not quite clear ; panel, 14 inches by 16 inches. Acquired for Dresden in 1740 by Von Heinecken from Hamburg, inventory No. 2549. In the Royal Picture Gallery, Dresden, 1905 catalogue, No. 1442 (Sm. valued it in 1842 at 157 : ios.). 525. THE COUNTRY PARTY. Under a great tree a merry company of cavaliers and ladies are resting. A young man embraces a lady in blue who leads her grey horse by the bridle. On the right a well- dressed company look down from the castle terrace. To the left is the valley. Signed on the right at foot with a monogram similar to the latest ; canvas, 30^ inches by 39 inches. Acquired for Dresden in 1710 from Antwerp by Jacob de Wit, as "The Stallion," but not in the 1722 inventory. First hung in the gallery in 1855. In the Royal Picture Gallery, Dresden, 1905 catalogue, No. 1458. 525*7. The Ride. This seems to be a fragment of doubtful authenticity. Signed with the monogram, according to the catalogue. In the Rumjanzof Museum, Moscow, 1901 catalogue, No. 558. 526. STARTING FOR THE CHASE. To the right is the park -wall of a country house. A company of ladies and gentlemen prepare for the chase. A cavalier escorts a lady to her horse, which is held by a groom on the right. Farther right another lady is already mounted. A negro standing on the steps hands her a riding-whip ; two dogs bark at her horse. To the left farther back a groom holds the cavalier's horse ; in front of it are two hunting-dogs, over which a groom is bending. In the right middle distance two falconers walk away. Signed with the full monogram ; panel, 21 inches by 17 inches. Exhibited at Diisseldorf, 1886, No. 369, and 1904, No. 403. In the collection of the Prince zu Salm-Salm, Anhalt. 527. A HAWKING PARTY SETTING OUT. Sm. 364. A mounted cavalier, preceded by a falconer with dogs, is being asked for alms by a gipsy family. A lady on horseback follows with her page. Peasants sit under an Italian ruin ; above is seen a herdsman. This is a somewhat early picture, despite the full monogram. Signed on the right at foot with the full monogram j panel, 15^ inches by 22 inches. From the Dtisseldorf Gallery. In the Picture Gallery, Augsburg, 1899 catalogue, No. 597 (Sm. valued it, 1826, at .157 : ios.). 528. STARTING FOR THE CHASE. A cavalier and a lady descend the steps, leading from a country house on the extreme right,