Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/455

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vm PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 439 Sale. Cornelius Wittert van Valkenburg, Rotterdam, April 1 1, 1731 (Hoet, i. 368), No. 40 (1752 florins, with pendant, Reuver). In the collection of Madame Reuver, Delft, bought as a whole in 1750 by the Landgraf of Hessen-Kassel. In the Schloss Altstadt, Kassel, 1749 inventory, No. 572, 1783 ; inventory No. 38. Removed by Lagrange, 1806. 6oo/. Hawking. 15! inches by 2o inches. Sales. Cornelis Wittert van Valkenburg, Rotterdam, April II, 1731 (Hoet, i. 368), No. 41 (500 florins). Cornelis Wittert van Valkenburg, Rotterdam, October 7, 1733 (Hoet, i. 397), No. 17 (405 florins). 6ooj. Hawking. 24 inches by 25^ inches. Sale. Johan van Schuylenburch, The Hague, September 20, 1735 (Hoet, i. 453), No. 73 (425 florins). 6ooL A very fine Hawking Piece. 23 inches by 33 inches. Sale. De Neufville, Leyden, March 15, 1736 (Hoet, i. 458), No. 4 (285 florins). 6oo/. Hawking. 1 8 inches by 27 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, March 18, 1739 (Hoet, i. 567), No. 2 (556 florins). 6oom. Hawking. [Pendant to boon.] Sale. Amsterdam, April 15, 1739 (Hoet, i. 576), No. 20 (350 florins, with pendant). 6oo. Hawking. [Pendant to 6oow.] Sale. Amsterdam, April 15, 1739 (Hoet, i. 576), No. 21 (350 florins, with pendant). 60 1. Hawking. 25 inches by 32^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 21, 1739 (Hoet, i. 610), No. 24 (495 florins). 601 a. Sportsmen Hawking. Sm. 20. In a fine landscape, with a country house. [Pendant to 951.] 13 inches by i6 inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, i. 39. Sale. Chevalier de la Roque, Paris, 1745 (280 francs, with pendant). 60 1 b. A Landscape with a Hawking Party. Sm. 23. A man watches the flight of a bird. Canvas, 21 inches by 29 inches. Sales. C. Wittert van Valkenburg, Rotterdam, April II, 1731 (Hoet, i. 368), No. 42 (370 florins). Chevalier de la Roque, Paris, 1745 (192 francs).