Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/460

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444 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. 613^. A Hawking Party at a Stream. Panel, 12 inches by 17^ inches. Sale. Manley Sims and others, London, March 23, 1903, No. 121. 613^. A Hawking Party. [Pendant to 586^.] Panel, i6| inches by 25 inches. Sale. Grimond and others, London, May 25, 1903, No. 119. 613*. Landscape with a Hawking Party. 1 6 inches by 20 J inches. Sale. Francis Baring and others, London, May 4, 1907, No. 134. 614. A STAG HUNT. Sm 63 and 449, and Suppl. 215. To the left is a torrent* crossed by a wooden bridge on which is a man. To the right a hunting party of four gentlemen and a lady, mounted, with attendants and dogs pursue a stag. One of the riders is in yellow, on a grey horse. In the middle distance is a hill crowned with a building. "In this beautiful picture the figures are subordinate to the landscape" (Sm.). Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; copper, 1 1 inches by 13^ inches. Sales. Jacomo de Wit, Antwerp, May 15, 1741 (Hoet, ii. 41), No. 116 (234 florins ; or according to Lormier's store-room catalogue, 290 florins). Willem Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763 (Hoet, ii. 447, and Terw. 336), No. 334 (1010 florins) No. 348 in the storeroom catalogue of December 1754. Nicolaas NieuhofF, Amsterdam, April 14, 1777, No. 243 (1995 florins, Van Hetercn). In the collection of A. L. van Heteren, The Hague; it passed with the collection in 1809 to the Rijksmuseum. In the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam, 1907 catalogue, No. 2712 (Sm. valued it in 1842 at 300). 615. A Stag Hunt. On the right is a hill ; two dead trees are on the slope towards the centre. A huntsman gallops from the right, losing his hat. A lady on a grey horse follows him. To the left, at the foot of the hill, flows a stream, which two mounted huntsmen cross from the left ; one of them blows a horn. They follow a stag and a hind, which a white greyhound and a huntsman on foot approach from the right. Signed on the right with the monogram ; canvas, 20 inches by 23^ inches. In the collection of Baron de Beurnonville, No. 560. Sale. Hauptmann, Paris, March 22, 1897, No. 52 (Kleinberger). In the Landauer collection, Berlin. 6 1 6. A STAG HUNT. Sm. Suppl. 20. The principal group consists of six gentlemen and a lady, all mounted, who come from the right to the edge of a wood. One huntsman blows a horn ; two others point their weapons, a dirk and a hunting-spear, at a stag which rushes from the wood on the left, followed by hounds. On the left a hind seeks