Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/469

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vni PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 453 6357: A Hunting Scene. A stag is being killed. [Possibly identical with 635^.] 2O inches by 27^ inches. In the Ferol collection, Paris. Sale. F. Yeats Edwards and others, London, July 13, 1903, No. 117. 63 5g- Chasing Rabbits. Sale. Isaak van den Blooken, Amsterdam, May n, 1707 (Hoet, i. 101), No. 58 (37 florins). 635^. Chasing Hares. Sm. 5. [Pendant to 635*'.] Sale. Jaques Meyers, Rotterdam, September 9, 1722 (Hoet, i. 276), No. 101 (365 florins). 635;'. Chasing Rabbits. With some anglers. [Pendant to 635^.] Sale. Jaques Meyers, Rotterdam, September 9, 1722 (Hoet, i. 276), No. 1 02 (265 florins). f>35j' Chasing Hares in the Dunes. 10 inches by 5 inches. Sale. Count Schonborn, Amsterdam, April 16, 1738 (Hoet, i. 510), No. 53 (82 florins). 635^. Chasing Hares on a Heath. To the right are a man on a grey horse and a lady on a bay horse. Near them is a huntsman with dogs chasing the game. Farther away are huntsmen mounted and on foot. Panel, 14 inches by 19 inches. Sale. Jonas Witsen, Amsterdam, August 16, 1790, No. 82 (158 florins, Spruyt). 636. Hunting the Hare. Sm. Suppl. 160. On the right a lady on a bay horse approaches, preceded by a man on a white horse with a couple of hounds hard on the track of a hare. On the left, far back, are two riders with a man on foot and several hounds in full cry. In the distance, through the morning haze, several figures are seen near a river. A bare landscape. Panel, 13 inches by 14 J inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Trhor de la Curiosite, ii. 470. Sales. Edward Solly, London, 1837. Frederic Kalkbrenner, Paris, January 14, 1850 (6100 francs) it was in this collection, 1842 (Sm.). 637. BOYS CHASING RABBITS. A genuine early work with a warm sky, but of no special importance. 9^ inches by 12 inches. Sale. Hawley and others, London, March 1899, No. 58. 638. HUNTING WILD BOARS AND BEARS. Sm. 4. A romantic landscape. On a wooded hill to the left is a ruined castle. To the right is a broad river valley with steep banks. In the left centre