Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/473

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 457 In one of the Royal Prussian palaces. In the Kaiser Friedrich Museum, Berlin, 1906 catalogue, No. 900 ; it was in the Berlin Museum, 1842 (Sm., who valued it at 315). 647. A HALT ON THE RETURN FROM THE CHASE. Four horsemen returning from the chase halt at an inn. On the left a rider hands back a jug to the hostess who has a child in her arms and another at her side. Beside him on the right in profile is a man blowing a horn. In front of him a grey horse, in profile to the right, is laden with a dead stag. In front of it are two hounds ; to the right is a horseman, seen from the back, who points to the right background and converses with a huntsman standing to the left. In the extreme left foreground sits a boy uncoupling two dogs. In the right middle distance is a man with a long stick and a dog ; farther back is a man on a grey horse. Signed on the left at foot with the monogram j panel, 14^ inches by 1 6 inches. Exhibited at Berlin, 1906, No. 157. Sale Comte Pourtales, London, 1826. In the collection of Peter Norton, London. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of 100 Paintings," 1896, No. 50. In the collection of Robert von Mendelssohn, Berlin. 648. A HAWKING PARTY AT A FOUNTAIN. Sm. Suppl. 19. In the right foreground is a fountain ; a slender jet of water comes from the mouth of a fawn. In front of it are a lady with hawk on wrist on a bay horse, and a man wearing a dark plumed hat on a grey horse facing right. The man holds in a long leash a hound which tries to get at another hound held by a huntsman in a red coat. On a road leading from a valley on the left are a mounted huntsman and a man with hawks and hounds. In the left distance is a hill. " This picture has become foxy in tone" (Sm.). Signed in the right-hand bottom corner, on a stone, with the full monogram in light-grey paint ; panel, 15^ inches by 16 inches. In the chief Kassel inventory of 1749, No. 49. In the Kassel Academy, 1783 inventory, No. 156. In the Louvre, Paris, 1806-1815. In the Picture Gallery, Kassel, 1903 catalogue, No. 360 (old No. 333). 649. A HAWKING PARTY RESTING. Sm. 520. An open' landscape with high hills in the distance and a river on the right, crossed by a bridge which abuts on the terrace wall of a garden. On the left, ladies rest in the shade of trees. A coach with two grey horses comes along. In the centre foreground a page holds the bridle of a horse with one hand and a greyhound with the other. A huntsman kneeling in front holds a heron for a hawk to devour. Near these a lady with hawk on wrist rides a grey horse. Beside her to the left a man on a prancing dark horse casts orFa hawk, while another man gallops towards him ; they are watching the fight between a hawk and a heron. Other horsemen, falconers, and hunts- men with hounds.