Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/508

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492 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. an enemy to the left of him. This enemy rides a bay horse which kicks out behind ; he covers himself with his pistol, which almost touches the carbine. Behind them to the left two other horsemen are fighting. One of them, facing the spectator, strikes at the other with the butt-end of his pistol. To the right of them, directly behind the man with the carbine, an ensign falls back from his horse, which rears up, wounded in the breast by a soldier who has fallen in front of it. Nearer the front a soldier lies on his face, grasping a broken sword in his right hand. In the centre of the immediate foreground lie a helmet and a sword. In the right middle distance the fight continues. A mounted trumpeter, seen from the back, sounds the charge. To the left, where the hill falls away, there are more combatants, near a burning house. An early work. Signed on the left with the monogram ; canvas, 44 inches by 56 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1887, No. 66; at the Guildhall, London, 1890, No. 63 ; and at the Rembrandt Exhibition held by the Amsterdam dealers Fred. Muller and Co., 1906, No. 129. In the collection of the Duke of Marlborough, Blenheim, 1842 (Sm.). Sale. Duke of Marlborough, London, June 26, 1886 (32$ : ios., Murray). In the collection of Charles Butler, London, 1890. In the possession of the London dealers Dowdeswell. 751. A FIELD OF BATTLE. Sm. 290 and Suppl. 109. In the centre foreground are four horsemen. The nearest, mounted with his back to the spectator on a piebald horse, wears a cuirass and a plumed hat ; he defends himself with a pistol against a man on a bay horse who attacks him with uplifted sword. On the other side a third man on a black horse gallops up. From the right a horseman with a red flag approaches at full speed. Near him lies a dead horse. In front, under the piebald, is a wounded man. In the right foreground are wounded soldiers and dead or dying horses. In the distance is a castle on a hill. " This very capital picture is painted in the artist's later and most esteemed manner, possessing the most exquisite finishing, with clear and silvery colouring " (Sm.). Canvas, 25^ inches by 32 inches. Mentioned by Waagen (Suppl. 133). Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1871, No. 173, and 1888, No. 68 ; and at the Guildhall, London, 1894, No. 43. In the collection of the Prince of Orange. Sales. Chevalier Lavallee, Paris, March 9, 1818 (1500 francs). De la Hante, London, 1821 (819). Beckford, Fonthill, 1823 (703 : ios., Emmerson). In the possession of H. Phillips, 1829 (Sm.). Sale. H. Phillips, London, 1835 (682 : ios., bought in). In the collection of Samuel Jones Lloyd, 1842 (Sm.). In the collection of Lord Overstone, London. In the collection of Lady Wantage, London, 1902 catalogue, No. 263. 752. A CAVALRY FIGHT. To the right is a fine distant view ; to the left are trees. The picture is almost as large as 746. In the collection of the Marquess of Zetland, London. 753. A Cavalry Fight at a Bridge. On the left a bridge with a