Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/553

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 537 trumpeter on a brown horse sounds a call. In the centre is a loaded baggage- waggon, on which is perched a cock. To the left a soldier holds his horse while two men shoe it. Two boys play with a dog in front. Numerous groups of figures and horses are scattered over the landscape. A very dark sky. A "capital picture " (Sm.). Panel, 2oJ inches by 26^ inches. Mentioned by Waagen (iii. 262). In the collection of the Stadtholder (Sm.). In the collection of W. Lormier, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 44.6) ; he had purchased it from Jaques de Roore (for 725 florins) according to his store- room catalogue of December 1754, No. 336. Sale. Willem Lormier, The Hague, July 4, 1763 (Terw. 335), No. 335 (1305 florins, Captain Baillie for Sir James Lowther). In the collection of the Earl of Lonsdale, Lowther Castle, No. 243. 865. LEAVING THE CAMP. Sm. 318. On the right is a tent near a large tree. A trumpeter on a grey horse sounds a call. Another horseman drains his glass. The sutler pours out a glass of wine from a straw-covered bottle for a horseman who has a lady mounted behind him. To the left is a bivouac fire ; soldiers throw dice on a drum. "This picture is a little too dark" (Sm.). [Probably identical with 877.] Signed on the right at foot with the full monogram ; panel, 20 inches by 28^ inches. In the Zweibrticken Gallery. In the Aeltere Pinakothek, Munich, 1904 catalogue, No. 509 (Sm. valued it, 1829, at 420). 866. THE SUTLER'S B(X)TH. Sm. 178 and Suppl. 64; M. 77. In front of a sutler's booth with a flag and a garland on the left are some horsemen and two ladies. On the extreme left stands a man in profile to the right. Next to him, and farther back, are a lady on horse- back and a mounted trumpeter. Next to him is a grey horse, without a rider, facing right. Next come a lady, seen from the back, and an officer who caresses her with one hand and rests the other on the saddle of his horse, whose head is turned away. In the right middle distance is a group of soldiers with an ensign among them. Beyond in a broad plain is a camp. Three dogs play in front. A dark and unattractive picture. [Pendant to 880.] Signed with the monogram j canvas, 19! inches by 25! inches. Mentioned by Ch. Blanc, Le Tresor de la Curiosite, ii. 334. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 77, in 1754, as "Les Quartiers des Vivandiers." In the Le Brun collection, 1754. Sales. Montribloud, Paris, February 9, 1784 (8000 francs, with pendant). Claude Tolozan, Paris, February 23, 1801 (3000 francs). Lapeyriere, Paris, April 14, 1817 (9400 francs, Chevalier Erard). Sold by Erard to Haldimand (20,000 francs). Sent to Yates for sale, London, 1832 ; shortly after bought by Pennell (600). London, 1835 G34 J : 5 s -)- Adrian Hope, London, June 30, 1894, No. 71 (735, Sedelmeyer).