Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/555

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 539 has a flag and, over the entrance, a pewter pot and a sign with a stag's head. The nearer tent has for sign a bundle of twigs and a garland. Several soldiers are resting or carousing. Near them three horsemen halt. One has dismounted from a grey horse which a foot-soldier holds ; he embraces the sutler's girl, who, jug in hand, was about to fill the glass which a soldier lying in the centre foreground holds up high. The other two horsemen, one on the left in profile to the right, the other in the middle farther back and facing the spectator, watch their comrade. From the left middle distance come a young man playing the flute and a peasant with a dog. Not far behind them a horseman halts before a man and a woman who sit on the ground. In the distant plain is a camp. [Pendant to 775</.] The catalogue wrongly states that the monogram is false and that the picture is by Pieter Wouwerman. Even when seen from a distance it looks good enough for Philips ; on a closer inspection, there can be no doubt as to his authorship. Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; panel, 13! inches by 19 inches. Engraved by Moyreau, No. 86, as " Delassement des Troupes." In the collection of Crozat, Baron de Thiers, Paris, 1758. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1048. 871. HALTING AT THE SUTLER'S BOOTH. 14 inches by 19 inches. In the Stroganoff collection, St. Petersburg. 872. THREE HORSEMEN AT A SUTLER'S BOOTH. Two horsemen have dismounted. The third, a trumpeter, halts between them almost in profile to the right ; he holds his trumpet in his right hand, an empty jug in his left. One man stands on the right, embracing the sutler's girl, who is seen from the back in a three-quarter view ; his horse feeds at a trough to the right, behind which a soldier with his back to the spectator stands near the tent. The other rider stands in the centre foreground behind his horse, which is seen from the back in a three-quarter view with its head to the left ; he smiles at his comrade. Farther left a dog drinks at a puddle. In the middle distance a man and a woman with a child ride away. A beggar asks an alms. Farther back is a river ; a ferry-boat is crossing ; a woman and child and two soldiers wait on the bank for it. In the distance are hills. Genuine, but dark and unattrac- tive. There is a good deal of brown in the earth, clouds, and horses. Signed on the right at foot with the full monogram ; panel, 13^ inches by 19 inches. Given to the Academy by Count Lamberg, 1821. In the Vienna Academy, 1900 catalogue, No. 691. 873. HALT OF SOLDIERS AT A SUTLER'S BOOTH. Sm. Suppl. 1 86. Groups of figures and horses are scattered over a lands- cape j some are hidden by grey evening mist. The chief group is near a large tent with flags on the right. Among the party is a mounted cavalier with a lady behind him ; near them is a riderless horse with a pike tied to