Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/558

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542 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. 877. In Camp. In front is a general with a lady on horseback. Near him a sutler stands pouring out a glass of wine. To the right, in front of the sutler's booth, on which are flags, halt two horsemen. One on a grey horse blows a trumpet ; the other drinks from a fluted glass. The sutler's wife draws beer from a cask ; a soldier embraces her. To the left soldiers' wives are cooking ; others warm themselves at a fire. At the back an ensign stands near soldiers who are playing dice on a drum. [Probably identical with 865.] Panel, 19^ inches by 28 inches. Sale. N. Doekscheer, Amsterdam, September 9, 1789, No. 57 (1590 florins, Leyche). Sjjaa. Horsemen resting before a Tent. Some are dismounted. On the right a man waters his horse at a stream ; on the left horses are feeding. A hilly landscape with tents and soldiers. Panel, 23^ inches by 18 inches. Sale. J. A. Versijden van Varick, Leydcn, October 29, 1791, No. 15 (70 florins). 8770. Horse-Soldiers near Tents. In a camp. Accessories. Sale. J. W. B. Wuytiers, Utrecht, September 17, 1792, No. 66 (5 florins 5, Carseboom). 877^. At a Sutler's Booth. Riders and their horses are refreshing. The men jest with the sutler's wife. The background has many accessories. Panel, 14 inches by 16 inches. Sale. P. Fouquet, Amsterdam, April 13, 1801, No. 84. 878. At a Sutler's Booth. It is filled with soldiers. One jests with a girl. An officer on horseback. Farther away is another rider with his horse. At the back are more figures and accessories. Panel, 14 inches by 15 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 7, 1803, No. 205 (700 florins). 878*. At a Sutler's Booth. On the right is a tent, in which a soldier embraces a young girl. Opposite them another woman con- verses with two soldiers ; a rider drains a beer -jug ; a boy holds the bridle of a whitish horse ; farther away are other figures. In the back- ground are tents, waggons, and horses. Panel, 18 inches by 25^ inches. Sale. F. E. van Ertborn, Antwerp, August 1 8, 1807, No. 1 8. 878^. Soldiers at a Sutler's Booth. Sale. J. W. Willett, London, 1813 (147). 879. A Camp Scene in Winter. Near an oak and a hut of rushes and straw is a group of seven persons. Two are gambling. A woman with a child at her breast and two beggars look on. Two little girls, one of them seated, are playing. From the right come a