Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/561

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vin PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 545 who brings him a glass of wine. Other horse-soldiers approach. In the distance is a camp. A "clever picture" (Sm.). Panel, about i6| inches by 14 inches. In the collection of Lord George Cavendish, London, 1 842 (Sm.). Halt of Cavalry at a Sutler's Booth. Sm. Suppl. 9. Cavalry halt on the right before a booth erected round a tree. One man has dismounted and sits at the head of his horse, which is feeding out of a sack. Another stands near with his hands behind him, looking at a bay horse, near which is a third soldier. On the extreme right is a trumpeter in a red coat on an iron-grey horse with his back to the spectator. Two other horsemen are in the group. In front are a boy and a dog. On the left is a hilly landscape. "A good example of the master" (Sm.). Panel, 13 inches by 16^ inches. Sale. (Probably) Earl of Essex, London, 1776 (78 : 153., Lord Derby). In the collection of the Earl of Derby, London, 1842 (Sm.). 884*. Halt of Soldiers near Tents. Sm. Suppl. 76. An open country dotted with tents. On the left a party of soldiers halt at a sutler's booth. One rides a spirited white horse. Another is mounting a bay horse. A third man is behind the first ; a boy begs of him. On the right a man waters his horse in a pond. Panel, about 16 inches by 20 inches. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1842 (Sm.) ; but not now to be found there. A Sutler's Tent. Under a tent in an arid landscape a young woman waits while a horseman drains his jug. Another adjusts his stirrups. A trumpeter on a grey horse sounds a call. In the distance is a camp. A trooper on foot leads in a horse laden with fodder. A rich composition. Sale. Paris, March 4, 1845, No. 128. 885. A Sutler's Tent. An ensign on a grey horse drains his glass. In front of him are a poor hurdy-gurdy player and a boy fiddling ; to their music a woman, who holds up a tall glass, is dancing. A soldier on a bay horse, seen in a foreshortened view, watches her. Behind the ensign is a lady on a dun horse ; near her is a saddled dark-brown horse. To the right, behind this group, is a little harbour, in which is a market-boat with two figures. On a hill in the middle distance are soldiers and a tent. Beyond are numerous other tents and figures. A fine sky with silvery clouds. [Pendant to 66<^.J Canvas, 16 inches by 22 inches. Sale. E. P. Cremer, Middelburg, May 17, 1847, No. 94 pendant to No. 93. 886. A Sutler's Tent. A hill partly conceals a plain covered with a camp. On the hill a booth is erected against a leafless tree. Under it are several figures. The sutler draws liquor from a cask on the left. At the entrance a soldier seated on a cask tries to embrace a woman, who VOL. II 2 N