Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/594

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57 8 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. 983. Fishermen on the Road. To the left, beside a horse laden with fishing-tackle, a man sits looking at fish which another has spread out before him. This second man leans over a basket. Before him stands a woman with a flat basket on her head, and a boy to the right of her. A bigger boy lies asleep on the ground to the left with his head on a basket. Beyond, in the middle distance, comes a man with a cart. In the right middle distance on a bare hill are a ruined square tower and some small houses. A fine early picture if it is not, rather, a good Pieter Wouwerman. Panel, io inches by 12^ inches. Mentioned by Parthey (ii. 809). In the Harrach collection, Vienna, 1897 catalogue, No. 295. 983*. View of a Shore with Figures. Sale. Amsterdam, September 22, 1694 (Hoet, i. 19), No. 17 (85 florins). 983^. A Sea-Shore. Sale. Henriette Popta, Amsterdam, April 5, 1697 (Hoct, i. 40), No. 7 (158 florins). 983^. Fishing in the Morning. Sale. Amsterdam, October 3, 1708, No. 20. 984. Selling Fish on the Shore. Sm. 329 ; M. 4. In the centre a gentleman with his back to the spectator. A man standing to the left with a basket on his back speaks to the horseman, and points with his right hand towards the left, where, in the middle distance, is the sea with numerous boats. Another man behind him goes away to the shore. On^the other side a lady on a white horse, seen in profile, has halted ; she has; a little dog on the crupper, and holds up a feather fan to shade her face from the sun. In front of her, to the right, stands a woman in profile to the left holding a flat basket of fish in both hands. Behind her are a boy and a dog. Panel, 15 inches by 12 inches. Engraved by Moyreau in 1737, No. 4, as "La Marchande de Marde." In the Crozat collection, Paris, 1737. 984*. A Sea-Shore. With figures and horses. Panel, 13 inches by 14^ inches. In the collection of Benjamin da Costa, The Hague, 1752 (Hoet, ii. 468). Sale. Benjamin da Costa, The Hague, August 13, 1764 (Terw. 380), No. 80 (370 florins). 984^. A very fine Sea-Shore. With a horse and other accessories. 13^ inches by 17^ inches. Sale. Gerard van Oestrum, The Hague, September 23, 1765 (Terw. 488), No. 9 (135 florins). 984^ and d. Two Views on the Sea-Shore. Sm. 50. With huntsmen and horses.