Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/625

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viii PHILIPS WOUWERMAN 609 1081. A DUNE LANDSCAPE. On the left rise the dunes j on the summit is a round tower. Near it are figures, one of whom points with outstretched hand to the right. On the road in the left foreground are a cavalier and a lady on horseback with three dogs, one of which barks at a man. To the right is a view over the sea. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 19 inches by 25 inches. In the collection of Colonel W. A. Hankey, Beaulieu, Hastings. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of IOO Paintings," 1900, No. 50. In the collection of Willy Sauerbach, Paris. 1082. LANDSCAPE WITH HORSES WATERING. Sm. Suppl. 105. On the left a stream forms a little waterfall. A cart and horse cross a wooden bridge. Another laden cart with a peasant driver and a woman with a child in her arms leaves the bridge to go down the bank to the water's edge. Here a peasant tries to drive his horse into the ford. A mule-driver comes to his help and threatens the horse with a stick. Near them a peasant rides a chestnut horse into the river. Beside him a grey horse drinks. In the right foreground a woman with a child on her back, with a dog, crosses the ford. On a hill at the back is a leafless tree. The brown light is rather heavy, but in other respects the picture is not bad. Signed on the right at foot with the full monogram ; canvas, 19^ inches by 22 inches. In the collection of Count BrUhl. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1005 ; it was there in 1842 (Sm., who valued it at jTzoo). 1083. IN THE DUNES NEAR HAARLEM. Sm. Suppl. 70. On the top of a dune to the right, near a half-dead tree-trunk, a shepherd watches two cows and two sheep. From the dune a path leads down to a stream beside which a man sits bathing his feet while his horse drinks. Two peasants come along the path. To the left on the farther side of the stream are rolling dunes. A peasant holding a long stick stands near a dead tree. In the distance is a country house at the side of a lake ; on the horizon are hills. Very small figures ; really a landscape of the good and mature period. [Pendant to 1004.] Signed on the left at foot with the full monogram ; canvas, 30^ inches by 26^ inches. In the collection of Count Bruhl. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1017 ; it was there in 1842 (Sm., who valued it at .350). 1084. A DUNE LANDSCAPE NEAR HAARLEM. Sm. Suppl. 71. At a stream to the right two riders water their horses; one stands on the bank ; the other has ridden into the stream. On the bank to the left are ruined houses among trees. On a road leading along the riverside are a man in black and a peasant who holds the bridle of a grey horse, and converses with a woman seated by the roadside. In the distance VOL. II 2 R