Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/628

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6l2 PHILIPS WOUWERMAN SECT. loqim. Landscape. With horses and figures. 15 inches by 17 inches. Sa/e.D. Amory, Amsterdam, June 23, 1722 (Hoet, i. 261), No. 20 (280 florins). i09i. A Dune Landscape. With two horsemen. 17 inches by 21 inches. Srf&.Jaques Meyers, Rotterdam, September 9, 1722 (Hoet, i. 277), No. 116 (135 florins). 1092. A Dune Landscape. 7 inches by 9^ inches. tf /,._Jaques Meyers, Rotterdam, September 9, 1722 (Hoet, i. 277), No. 117 (12 florins 10). 1 092*2. A Large Landscape. With figures and horses. A very good picture. Sale. Amsterdam, April 11, 1727 (Hoet, i. 315), No. 5 (236 florins). 1092^. A Small Landscape. With figures. Sa/f.The Hague, May 3, 1729 (Terw. 6), No. 53 (29 florins 10). 10926. A Fine Landscape. n inches by io inches. Sale. The Hague, April 24, 1737 (Terw. 11), No. 3 (50 florins). 1093. The Bathers. Sm. 331 and 403; M. 27. In the right middle distance are buildings surmounted by a round tower, entered across a bridge with three arches. In front are several figures. The nearest is a horseman at whose side is a beggar with a wooden leg. Beyond them a traveller, dismounted, adjusts his saddle. In a pond in front two boys are bathing and two others undress on the bank. The figures are subordinate to the landscape. Panel, 9 inches by 12 inches. Probably identical with Sm. 403, in which a washerwoman is mentioned as on the farther side of the pond. This picture was in the collection of Comtc Baudouin in 1778, when ic was engraved by Le Bas as "La Soiree d'Ete." Engraved by Moyreau in 1737, No. 27, as " Les Baigneurs." In the Hall6e collection, Paris, 1737. 10930. A Fine Landscape. With figures and horses. 24 inches by 24^ inches. Sale. Baron SchOnborn, Amsterdam, April 16, 1738 (Hoet, i. 510), No. 51 (405 florins). 1093^. Landscape. With figures and horses. 13 inches by 17 inches. Sale. Baron Schonborn, Amsterdam, April 16, 1738 (Hoet, i. 510), No. 54 (260 florins).