Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/87

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viz AELBERT CQYP 71 Signed, "A. cuijp."; panel, 31 inches by 41^ inches. Given by Henry J. Marquand to the Museum in 1890. In the Metropolitan Museum, New York, 1905 catalogue, No. 260. 212. Cows and a Herdsman. In a pasture by a river lie four cows, three of them facing left. A fifth stands on the right, with its tail to the spectator and its head to the left. On the extreme right sits the herdsman. On the still surface of the stream to the left are two sailing- boats j there are trees on the opposite bank. In the collection of H. C. Frick, New York. 213. TWO COWS IN A PASTURE. Sm. Suppl. 39. In the foreground a red cow is lying down, in profile to the left ; a black and white cow stands behind with its head to the left. In the left middle distance are a cottage and a windmill in a flat landscape. It is morning. Signed in the right-hand bottom corner, A. Cuyp ; panel, n| inches by 14! inches. In the collection of Frederic Kalkbrenner, Paris, 1842 (Sm.) ; bought from him, January 1846, by Dutuit. In the Petit Palais des Beaux-Arts, Paris, Dutuit collection, 1907 catalogue, No. 897. 214. COWS AND SHEEP WITH A HERDSMAN. At the foot of three trees on the left are two cows, facing right. One is lying down ; the other, a reddish-brown animal, stands with its head down. To the left are some sheep. On the right sits a herdsman, wearing a black hat and brown jacket and holding a stick under his arm. His brown and white dog lies at his feet. In the distance are a hill and a village. Evening light. A very good picture. Panel, 17 inches by 13^ inches. Sale. Kums, Antwerp, May 17, 1898, No. 99 (28,000 francs, Le Roy). In the collection of S. de Jonge, Paris. 215. CATTLE AND SHEEP IN A PASTURE. In the right foreground a brown and white spotted cow stands in profile to the left. Behind her, partly cut ofF, lie two others, a black and a brown. To the left is a group of four sheep lying down and a goat standing up. On the extreme right at the back the herdsman stands talking to a woman. The man wears a red coat with grey sleeves ; the woman, who is seen full face, wears a blue jacket with a white kerchief and a yellow skirt. In the distance are mills and the church tower of Dordrecht. A cloudy sky at sunset. [Compare 752.] Signed with the monogram ; panel, i inches by i8 inches. Sale. Vicomte du Bus de Gisignies, Brussels, May 9, 1882, No. 18. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, " Catalogue of 300 Paintings," 1898, No. 8. In the collection of the late Maurice Kann, Paris. 216. CATTLE IN A FLAT LANDSCAPE. On the right is a group of cows ; two brown cows are lying down and a grey cow is standing up. Near them, but closer to the centre, are six sheep and a