Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/95

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vii AELBERT CUYP 79 stands with his back to the spectator. Farther to the right are ten more cows and three rustics in the shadow of a mountain. In the foreground are plants and tree-trunks. In the distance is a river, and beyond it are sandhills and mountains. It is early morning in summer. A similar composition, larger in size, is (330) at Dulwich. Canvas, 13 inches by 19 inches. Sale. Paris, 1803 (13,500 francs). 2420. Landscape with Figures and Cattle. Sale. Bryan, London, May 7, 1804 (220). 243. Eight Cows in a Pasture. Three figures are on a hill in the middle distance. Canvas, 31 inches by 42 inches. In the Mertens collection. Sale. Van Nypols and others, Antwerp, July 15, 1805, No. 116. 243*. Cattle standing or lying down in a Hilly Landscape. Sale. J. E. Grave and others, Amsterdam, May 5, 1806, No. 250. 244. Cattle and Figures in a Hilly Landscape. Sm. 87. In the middle distance flows a river. Farther off are buildings. It is a fine morning. Sale. Lord Rendlesham, London, June 20, 1806 (230 or 346 : los., according to Sm.). 245. Cattle by a River. Sm. 88. In the foreground are groups of cows. On a hill at the side are the ruins of an old tower. On the river are numerous vessels. " The glow of a summer sun completes the charm of this excellent picture " (Sm.). Sale. Lord Rendlesham, London, June 20, 1806 (.350 or ^346:105. according to Sm.). 245*7. Landscape with Cattle. Sm. 104. Three cows in the foreground, and six others on a hill. [Possibly identical with 265.] Sale. Hastings Elwyn, London, 1806 (178 : IDS., Hill). 246. Cows by a River. Sm. 16. On a hill by a river, two cows are lying down ; a calf stands near some trees. In the middle distance are high hills } a tower among trees is seen in the distance. A fine evening. [Pendant to 526.] Panel, 13^ inches by 21 inches. Sales. J. van der Linden van Slingeland, Dordrecht, August 22, 1785, No. 75 (401 florins, Beekman). P. de Smeth van Alphen, Amsterdam, August i, 1810, No. 20 (1005 florins, Spaan). Note. Sm. mentions three pictures in the Smeth van Alphen sale (Sm. 16, 95, 99), although only two were put up for sale. He probably confuses Sm. 99 with the picture of a similar subject, No. 10 in the L. B. Goclers sale, Amsterdam, August 7, 1 8 1 1 (see 247 below) ; this, again, may be the same as