Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 2, 1909.djvu/98

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82 AELBERT CUYP SECT. 253*. Three Cows with a Peasant. On the left of a landscape through which flows a river. By Cuyp or after him. Canvas, 18 inches by 24 inches. Sale. J. R. van Breuklerswaert, Amsterdam, May 10, 1824, No. 28. 253^. Cattle and Figures. In the distance is a village with many figures. Canvas, 34 inches by 57 inches. Sale. F. van Ravenstyn, Antwerp, July 17, 1824, No. 7 (400 florins). 254. Cattle with Herdsmen in a Pasture. A group of many cattle is in the foreground. A herdsman and a woman are resting, not far away, on a mound in the shadow of trees behind them. Panel, 19 inches by 23^ inches. In the collection of Baron von Bedernau. Sale. Baron von Castell, Hamburg, July 21, 1824, No. 149. 255. A Pasture by a River. In the shadow of many trees a herdsman is watching two cows, a sheep, and a goat. A peaceful river flows past and forms a waterfall near a hill which is crowned with a castle. Sunset. Canvas, 18 inches by 21 inches. In the collection of Prince Georg of Dessau. Sale. Baron von Castell, Hamburg, July 21, 1824, No. 151. 256. Three Cows with a Herdsman. Near high trees in the foreground are three cows ; the herdsman sits on a river-bank. In the distance are buildings in a hilly landscape. [Compare 258.] Canvas, 22^ inches by 27 1 inches. Sale. H. A. van der Heuvel and others, Utrecht, June 27, 1825, No. 1 1 (170 florins, bought in). 2560. Four Cows with a Herdsman. In a hilly landscape. The cows are standing or lying down. Panel, i6 inches by 13 inches. Sale. Widow of Joh. Ph. de Monte, Rotterdam, July 4, 1825, No. 5 (1010 florins, Lamme). 257. Four Cows resting on a Hill. They are watched by a herdsman. In the distance is a town. Panel, 14 inches by 1 8 inches. Sale. King Maximilian of Bavaria, Munich, December 5, 1826, No. 15 (600 florins). 258. Three Cows under High Trees. They are in the foreground, with a man seated on the bank of a clear stream. Beyond is an expanse of hilly country. [Compare 256.] Canvas, 22^ inches by 27^ inches. Sale. Utrecht, April 27, 1827, No. 5 (80 florins, Hardenberg). 258*. Landscape with Cattle, at Sunset.