Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/338

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324 ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE SECT. sits a wayfarer, knocking the ashes out of his pipe ; he turns his back to the spectator and has pulled his plumed cap down over his face. A little child rubs his nose on the light sailor's breeches worn by the drunkard. Panel, loj inches by I2| inches. Sale. P. Mersch, Berlin, March i, 1905, No. 76. 604. FOUR PEASANTS AT AN INN. In a large barn-like interior with a high thatched roof two peasants sit conversing in the left centre, at a cask serving as a table. The man to the left sits astride on a bench, facing the spectator ; he leans his head on his left hand and holds his pipe in his right. Between them, and behind the cask, stands a third man. A fourth stands in profile to the right by a post in the right foreground. A dog lies on the floor. An early work. Signed in full ; panel, 12 inches by 15 inches. Sale. L. Bloch of Vienna, Amsterdam, November 14, 1905, No. 53 (8 10 florins). 605. BOISTEROUS PEASANTS AT AN INN. There are two groups. In the left centre is a group of peasants drinking and smoking ; one man in a blue jacket and red cap stands in profile to the right ; another is seen almost from the back ; a man in the centre fore- ground sits on a chair behind a basket, a jug, and a wheel which are thrown down together. On the right, and farther back, is another group ; a rustic couple dance to the music of a fiddler standing behind in a raised position, and other peasants look on. In the extreme right-hand corner at the back a man embraces a half-drunken old woman seated on a chair. On the back is an old heraldic seal. Signed in full on the left, and dated 1643 r ^42, according to the Gsell sale catalogue ; panel, i8| inches by 26 inches. In the Schonlank sale, Cologne, April 28, 1896, there was a picture by Isack van Ostade, which agreed with this in composition except for three figures added in the right foreground. In the collection of Prince Esterhazy, Vienna. Sale. F. J. Gsell, Vienna, March 14, 1872, No. 77. In the possession of the Paris dealer Ch. Sedelmeyer, "Catalogue of loo Paintings," 1894, No. 25. Sale. Ch. Sedelmeyer, Paris, May 25, 1907, No. 149 (6100 francs). 605^. Boisterous Peasants at an Inn. A peasant seated on a table plays the fiddle. Other persons are carousing. Signed in full ; panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Sale. Fritz Gerstel and others, Berlin, January 21, 1908, No. 160. 606. BOISTEROUS PEASANTS IN AN INTERIOR. - The scene is lighted from an open door on the left. In the left fore- ground, almost facing the spectator, stands a peasant : a later addition gives him a pipe in his hand. On the right, farther back, four peasants and a child are round a cask ; two are seated, and the child is on the floor in front of them near a foot-warmer on which is a dish. An early work. In numerous sales. Described from a photograph in a sale catalogue.