Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/389

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x ADRIAEN VAN OSTADE 375 Signed in full on the right at foot ; panel, 14^ inches by "] inches. Sale. Rtimerskirch and others, Munich, March 23, 1903, No. 68. 760*7. Interior with Peasants carousing. Panel, 12^ inches by 16 inches. Sale. Lady Wetherall and others, London, April 1 8, 1903, No. 127. 760^. [Identical with 719.] 761. FOUR PEASANTS AT AN INN. They are grouped round a table in the centre smoking, drinking, and singing. The man on the right sits on a chair in profile to the left, holding his pipe in his right hand. Behind him to the left stands another man, holding up a beer-glass in his right hand and singing. On the left, a little in front of him, sits the third man, lighting his pipe at a charcoal pan. The fourth man, in profile to the right, sits on a bench in the left foreground. He holds his beer-glass with his left hand, which rests on the table. He turns round to the left to pull back by the apron a girl, with a jug in her right hand, who is going away ; she tries to push his arm back with her left hand. On the floor in front of them lies a dog, with various domestic utensils. In the brown tone of the early period, and not bad ; well preserved. [Pendant to 719.] Signed in full, and dated 164- ; panel, 12 inches by nj inches. Sale. J. B. van Lancker, Antwerp, 1835, No. 78 (610 florins, De Pret). In the collection of De Pret de Rose de Calesberg, Antwerp. Sale. Van den Berch van Heemstede and others, Amsterdam, July 7, 1903, No. 99 (7000 florins, Halijn). 762. PEASANTS AT AN INN (or, A Social Party). Sm. Suppl. 20. In the centre foreground of a cottage interior four men and a woman are grouped round a table. The woman, seen almost from the back and facing to the right, sits to the left on a low bench. She con- verses with a man seated to the right of her, who turns to her and fills his glass from an earthenware jug. Between them, and farther back, a man with a red cap stands bending forward. On the other side of the table, in the foreground, a peasant with his back to the spectator sits on a three- legged chair ; he wears a brownish-red doublet with yellow sleeves, and converses with a man standing farther back and facing the spectator, who holds out a glass of beer in his right hand as if commending it. Behind him to the right a boy in a broad-brimmed hat lets a little girl drink out of a large jug. This picture corresponds exactly, though in reverse, with Ostade's etching, B. 50, which Sm. describes under Sm. 184. Signed, " Ostade fecit " ; the date is illegible ; panel, 14^ inches by 17! inches. Engraved by Courtry as " La Partie." Exhibited at Vienna, 1873, No. 154. Sales. Schamp d'Aveschoot, Ghent, September 14, 1840, No. 58 (6700 francs and 7^ per cent, Tanse, Lille). Isaac Pereire, Paris, March 6, 1872, No. 142 (8000 francs). In the collection of Baron de Beurnonville, Paris.