Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/41

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ix FRANS HALS 21 74^. A Merry Man holding a Beer-Jug. Canvas, 34^ inches by 32 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, October 29, 1838, No. 70 (10 florins 50, A. Wolff). 74<r. The Merry Gossip. Canvas, 44^ inches by 36 inches. Sale, The Dowager Ullens van Schooten, Antwerp, June il, 1844, No. 27 (82 francs, Crainieux). . Portrait of a Man holding a Goblet. Panel, 7 inches by 6 inches. Sale. P. L. Mortier, Amsterdam, May 6, 1846, No. 77 (3 florins, Van Dijk). 74*. A Toper. Canvas, 25 inches by 22 inches. Sale. F. H. de Groof, Antwerp, March 20, 1854, No. 58. 75. A Toper seated. Half-length. A characteristic composition, painted with a vigorous brush. Signed with the monogram and dated 1643 ; panel, 18 inches by 13 inches. Sale. C. and F. Sandberger, Cologne, June 14, 1875, No. 30. 76. A Fair-Haired Youth. Half-length. In profile to the right. He wears a reddish vest with a white pleated collar. In his right hand he holds a jug with a lid ; he drinks from a glass in his left hand. Circular panel, 14 inches across. Sales. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 303. Ad. Jos. BOsch, Vienna, April 28, 1885, No. 21 (2003 florins, Foucher de Careil). 77. A Toper. Probably a half-length. He wears a red cap and holds a wine-glass. Signed ; 18 inches by 14 inches. Sale. Sir J. Chandos Reade and others, London, July 13, 1895, No. 85 G43, Lesser). 78. A Toper. He wears a brown costume and red cap, and holds a glass. Panel, 14! inches by io inches. Sale. Lucy Copeman and others, London, June 1 3, 1 898, No. 24. 79. A Toper holding a Glass. Panel, 1 1 inches by 9^ inches. Sale. Sir George Elliot and others, London, July 8, 1905, No. 48 (273, Coureau). 80. A Cavalier holding a Wine-Glass. He wears a brown costume and a broad black hat, 28 1 inches by 23 inches.