Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/479

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xi ISACK VAN OSTADE 465 centre foreground are two men and two boys ; one boy gives a sack of corn to a grey horse. Behind this group are a man and woman. On the right are a man pulling a sledge and two boys at play. Many other figures in the background. " A most excellent production " (Sm.). Panel, 25 inches by 33! inches. In the collection of Edmund Lloyd, Manchester, 1842 (Sm.). 92. Halting at an Inn in Winter. Sm. Suppl. 6. On a frozen river are many figures. In front a man pushes a sledge laden with a large keg. A boy plays with a small sledge. A bay horse is harnessed to a large sledge with passengers who converse with persons standing near. On the high bank are an inn and cottages. Outside the inn is a post- waggon with a grey horse and a boy. On a tree-trunk in front a man sits, putting on his skates. In the middle distance are a church-spire and a windmill. Signed, and dated i65o(?), according to Sm. ; canvas, 43 inches by 63 inches. In the collection of Lord Carrington, Wycombe Abbey, 1842 (Sm.). 93. Halting at an Inn in Winter (or, A View on a River). Sm. 47, and Suppl. 5. On a frozen river are many figures. To the right are an inn and houses, with a post-waggon in front. Near it is a sledge, drawn by a grey horse and a bay and containing three men and a woman. In front two boys play with a dog ; in the middle a boy pushes a sledge on which a girl sits. Near the left bank and almost in the centre a man with casks on a sledge converses with a woman and child. In the distance are skaters. Sm. speaks of " the interest and picturesque beauty of the piece." Canvas, 42 inches by 57 inches. Sales. P. de Smeth van Alphen, Amsterdam, August I, 1810, No. 73 (520 florins, Koopman). S. A. Koopman, Utrecht, April 2, 1847, No. 24 said to measure 3 3^ inches by 3 1 inches; it was in the Koopman collection, Utrecht, in 1842 (Sm., who valued it at ^500). 94. Halting at a Sutler's Tent in Winter. On a frozen canal are many figures. A peasant takes a grey horse and sledge up a low bank towards a village, the houses and church-tower of which are seen to the left. Another sledge carrying four persons is on the left ; the horse is drinking. Near the bank are a sutler's tent and a windmill, with groups of figures in front. Other sledges and skaters are in the distance. Signed in full, and dated 1644 ; panel, 13 inches by 17^ inches. In the collection of Charles Bagot. Sale. Th. Patureau, Paris, April 20, 1857, No. 22. 95. Halting at an Inn in Winter (or, View on a Frozen River). Sm. Suppl. 30. On a frozen river are many figures. On the right bank is an inn, with a group of people in front and a boy dragging a sledge laden with wood. Behind him two men and a lady converse. On the left a man drives a sledge. A lady and a cavalier sit in another VOL. Ill 2 H