Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/579

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xii ADRIAEN BROUWER 565 has a small dark moustache and black curls. His right hand grasps the hilt of a sword as if about to draw it. He wears a chestnut-brown doublet, and a broad-brimmed felt hat with a dull red feather. Oval panel, 6 inches by 5 inches. Another much-damaged example, a replica or a copy, was in the Sales. Jean Henri Beissel, Brussels, April 6, 1875, No. 26. Etienne le Roy, Brussels, April 27, 1903, No. 13. Other examples, which may or may not have belonged to the same series, were in the Sales. Ch. Spruyt, Ghent, October 3, 1815, No. 86. Comte F. de Robiano, Brussels, May i, 1837, No. 59. Also in the Weyer collection, Cologne, 1852 (Parthey, i. 204) measuring about 7^ inches by 3 inches. And in the Sale. Jacques, Amsterdam, March 2, 1897, No. 5 ; signed on the right above the chair-arm, and measuring 7^ inches by 6 inches. Engraved by L. Vorsterman (Hymans, 1 1 8), whose print was twice copied by S. Vouillemont. In the collection of the late Rodolphe Kann, Paris, 1907 catalogue, No. 4. In the possession of the London dealers Duveen Brothers, Paris. 8. Luxury. Half-length. A nude woman in full face. She sits on a bed hung round with curtains, and leans her left arm, which is alone visible, on a bolster. [See 9.] Possibly identical with the picture of a nude in the Sale. Jan Agges, Amsterdam, August 16, 1702 (Hoet, i. 69), No. 85 (3 florins 15). Engraved by L. Vorsterman (Hymans, 119), whose print was twice copied by S. Vouillemont. 9. Luxury. Half-length. A cavalier with a plumed cap, in full face. He lifts a glass to his lips with his right hand. Landscape background. This version was substituted later for the preceding (8). Engraved by L. Vorsterman the younger (Hymans, 124). 10. SLOTH. Half-length. A young woman sits on the left, in profile to the right, at a table with a grey cover. She wears a white cap and a blue dress, which is cut out in a square at the throat to show the pleated chemise. Her left elbow rests on the table, with the hand support- ing the head. In her right hand she holds something. Oval panel, 6 inches by 5 inches. The same figure occurs in an engraving by Marinus. Engraved by L. Vorsterman (Hymans, 120), whose print was twice copied by S. Vouillemont. In the collection of the late Rodolphe Kann, Paris, 1907 catalogue, No. 5. In the possession of the London dealers Duveen Brothers, Paris. 11. Envy. Half-length. A young peasant with a high cap round which a snake is coiled. He sits on a tub, pressing a pig on his left knee. Engraved by L. Vorsterman (Hymans, 121), whose print was twice copied by S. Vouillemont.