Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/593

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xii ADRIAEN BROUWER 579 peasant seated beside her to the right. He leans his left forearm and his face on a stool ; his long hair hangs down. Behind him stands another man, seen in full face, who looks at the woman, laughs and claps his hands. In the immediate foreground is a stool with a charcoal pan and a hat on it. On the wall in the right background are a drawing and a rag. Signed on the charcoal pan with the monogram ; panel, 8| inches by 6| inches. A replica was in the collection of the late Maurice Kann, Paris. In the collections, successively, of Prince Zampiere, Bologna ; Borgh de Balzan ; and E. Habich, Kassel from which it was sold before the auction. Sale. A. Hommel, Zurich, August 19, 1909, No. 24 (11,700 francs). -~^2. PEASANTS AT TABLE. In a room to the left seven adults and a child are grouped round a table. The nearest man, seated with his back to the spectator, turns himself to the right and speaks to an old woman, raising the forefinger of his right hand. The old woman, seated on the right upon a footwarmer in profile to the right, cooks some- thing in a pan which she holds in her left hand ; she has a knife in her right hand. In the right background is a door, with two peasants seen from the back. In the left foreground a cabbage lies on a wooden chest. Behind the figures to the left is a wall with a shelf, on which are a jug, a bottle, two pots and two other objects ; under the centre of it hangs a drawing of an owl, and to the left is a hat. A broken ladder is leaning against the wall to the right. On the right-hand edge of the wall hangs a hat. Rich in colour and quite in the style of the pictures at Amsterdam (102, 166), Schwerin (56), and Kassel (108). [Possibly identical with 49*0 Signed with the monogram ; panel, 12 inches by 16 inches. A contemporary replica, signed with the monogram, is in the collection of John G. Johnson, Philadelphia. It was formerly in the sale : Jonkheer de la Court and others, Amsterdam, September 21, 1904, No. 64 (3100 florins) ; in the collection of C. Hofstede de Groot, The Hague ; and in the Von Marcuard collection, Florence. , In the collection of Hans von der Muhll, Basel. ^-53. PEASANTS IN AN INN. Ten figures grouped round a table, drinking and smoking. This is an example of the coloured period ; pink, red, and blue predominate in the costumes. Panel. In the Uffizi, Florence, 1891 catalogue, No. 959. 54. THE MERRY MEAL. On the left a young peasant sits on a wooden chair, almost in full face but turned a little to the right ; his mouth is open as if he laughs, and he looks at the spectator. He holds a full wine-glass high up in his left hand, and has a jug in his right hand. He wears a green silk cap with a cock's feather, an old yellow doublet with a pink collar and trimming, green breeches and soft brown leather boots lined with red. Beside him to the right is a table half-covered with a white cloth ; on it are a dish, a small bowl and, farther away, a red earthenware jug. Behind the table a man, seen in a three-quarter view