Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/611

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xii ADRIAEN BROUWER 597 96. The Singer. In the centre foreground of a room a man sits on a stool, seen almost from the back, but inclined to the right. He holds up a jug in his right hand and has a cap in his left. He throws his head back and sings aloud. Behind him to the right another man, with a pointed cap, sits in a tub-chair in profile to the left, playing the violin and laugh- ing at the singer. Behind the fiddler to the right is the back of a third peasant. A fourth man leans his head upon his arms on a table and looks to the right; he is between the singer and the fiddler. A fifth man sits on a bench to the left, looking at the fiddler; he is seen partly from the back, but inclined to the right. On the floor in front is a footstool; beside it is a jug, while another jug stands more to the right. On the wall at the back is a shelf full of pots. The roof is timbered. In the Poullain collection, Paris. g6a. A Peasant playing the Fiddle. Engraved by W. Rohr. <)6b. Four Peasants singing. Engraved by J. van Somer. 96^. Peasants singing. Engraved by W. Vaillant (Wessely, 173). g6d. Three Peasants at Music. They sit before the fire to the left. One sings, the man in the centre plays the fiddle, and the third the clarinet. Described from an engraving by an unknown engraver with the linked initials "S. K." ~~>7. A RUSTIC DANCE. On the left, outside a farmhouse, peasants dance round a child seated on the ground, to the music of the bagpipes. In the left foreground a child puts its arm into a tub. Almost in the centre a peasant lies on the ground vomiting; behind him is a bench with a jug. Farther back people move off" to a place in the distance. This reminds one very strongly of the Amsterdam pictures (102, 166); it is of the early period. Signed on the bench in the middle with the monogram; panel, loj inches by 14^ inches. An indifferent replica is in the collection of Adolphe Schloss, Paris. In the Suermondt collection, Aachen; acquired in 1874 by the Royal Berlin Museums. In the Royal Museum, Berlin, 1883 catalogue, No. 8530; transferred in 1884 to the Aachen Museum. In the Suermondt Museum, Aachen, second supplementary catalogue of 1884, No. 170. 98. A Rustic Dance. On the right is an inn with a sign hanging out. At the windows are many figures. Outside, peasants dance to the music of two men standing to the right, one of whom plays the bagpipes. Peasants and women run up from the left. In the right foreground a man lies prone on a bench to the left, vomiting. Near him to the left are a