Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/636

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622 ADRIAEN BROUWER SECT. 154. A Cottage Interior. A merry young toper, seen in full face, sits on a wooden bench, looking at the spectator. He holds a beer-jug in both hands and sings. In the left background peasants sit round a table, drinking and singing. A man stands watching them ; on the right is another figure. On the floor are an earthenware jug, a pot, and a broom leaning against a bench. Panel, 8 inches by 7^ inches. Sale. Vicomte de Buisseret, Brussels, April 29, 1891, No. 15. 154*7. Peasants smoking. In a cottage, by the open window, four peasants sit on benches round an upturned cask. They smoke and carouse eagerly. Panel, 8 inches by 12 inches. ale. Cremer and others, Cologne, January 20, 1892, No. 64. 154^: Four Peasants drinking and smoking. They sit on upturned tubs in a poorly furnished room. Panel, 8 inches by 9^ inches. Sale. Cremer and others, Cologne, January 20, 1892, No. 65. t54f. The Toper. Half-length. A Dutch peasant with a jug and a pipe. He looks at the spectator with a wry face as if sorry that the jug is empty. In the left background is another head. Panel, 12 inches by 10 inches. Sale. Hopken-Melenberg and others, Berlin, May 6, 1892, No. 16. ^^ 155. THE TOPER. In the left foreground of a room a man sits at a table half covered with a white cloth, on which are a dish, a knife, and a loaf. He holds in his left hand a metal pot with the lid open, and in the right hand a glass full of wine. He wears a red costume and a brown cap. Near a door on the right two topers sit on a wooden bench. In the doorway stands a woman ; two men go out. 8 inches by 7^ inches. Sale. Hoch, Munich, September 19, 1892, No. 33. 1550. A Dutch Country Inn. Three men sit round a table drink- ing and smoking. One embraces a seated woman. A boy watches the scene. Panel, 15^ inches by 20 inches. Sale. St. Remy zur Biesen and others, Cologne, December 9, 1892, No. 17. w ' i55/>. Interior of an Inn. In the right foreground is the landlord with a number of persons smoking and drinking. Panel, 10 inches by 8 inches. Sale. The widow Marie von Robert and others, Cologne, March 27, 1893, No. 40. 155*:. Two Smokers. They sit at a table. One man, in the left middle distance, watches a cloud of smoke which he has just blown out. His hands rest on the table j in one hand is a pipe, the other holds a full