Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/651

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xii ADRIAEN BROUWER 637 Panel, 6 inches by 8 inches. Sale. Ghent, April 26, 1841, No. 258. iSia. Four Peasants. Seated round a cask in a room. Panel, 8 inches by ii| inches. Sale. E. H. Mayer, Cologne, May 12, 1874, No. 185. 182. The Bandits. In the right foreground of a room a man lies on his back with his hands tied behind him. A man, in profile to the left, kneels down on his right knee and opens the prisoner's mouth ; a woman kneeling behind tries to force a stick between the prisoner's teeth. Behind to the left are two other ruffians, who throw their victim down. In the right background two men with their hands tied are watched by two bandits. It may be an early work. Sales. W. A. Freund and others, Amsterdam, February 20, 1906, No. 20. J. de Geel Bennigsen and others, Amsterdam, March 12, 1907, No. 8 1 8. 183. THREE PEASANTS AT A. WINDOW. A peasant in a green doublet and red cap leans on his elbows and looks out of a window, with a smile. Another man with an old felt hat is behind him. On the left is a third figure. Copper, 5| inches by 4^ inches. The subject occurs twice in the following, which may or may not be identical : 1. In the Slingeland collection. In the collection of the Queen of Spain. Sale. Baron de Varange, Paris, May 26, 1852, No. 4 (95 francs); on copper, 6 inches by 4^ inches. 2. Sale. Krupp, junior, and others, Cologne, October 29, 1894, No. 28 ; on panel, 4^ inches by 4 inches. Sale. Jos. Monchen of The Hague and others, Amsterdam, April 30, 1907, No. 58 (1800 florins). 183*7. An Inn. Sale. P. P. Rubens, Antwerp, May 1641, No. 285 (Sm. Suppl. 364). . A Swinish Life. Sale. Johan van Tongeren, The Hague, March 24, 1692 (Hoet, i. 13), No. 51 (161 florins). 183*:. A Sportsman and Peasants. The well-known picture by Brouwer. Sale. Jan van Beuningen, Amsterdam, May 13, 1716 (Hoet, i. 203), No. 68 (570 florins). . A Nurse with a Little Child. inches by 8 inches. Sale. Coenrad Baron Droste, The Hague, July 21, 1734 (Hoet, i. 426), No. 48 (9 florins 10).