Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 3, 1910.djvu/99

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ix FRANS HALS 79 spectator. His left hand is pressed to his side. He has a light-brown moustache and pointed beard, and dark-brown hair. He wears a broad- brimmed black hat of soft felt, a yellowish-grey coat, a close-fitting white collar edged with lace, and a white wristband on his right hand. Grey background. [Pendant to 272.] Panel, 9^ inches by 7^ inches. A copy was exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, London, 1900, No. 32, and was in the sale : James Orrock, London, June 4, 1904, No. 265 (330:155.). Acquired from the Wallenstein collection, Dux, 1741. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1358. 272. PORTRAIT OF A MAN. B. io6j M. 170. Half-length. His figure is in profile to the left ; his head is turned three-quarters left. He looks at the spectator. The left hand, though not shown, is obviously pressed to his side. He has a slight fair moustache and imperial, and dark- brown curls. He wears a broad-brimmed black hat of soft felt and a black coat, showing the white shirt, with a close-fitting lace collar. [Pendant to 271.] Panel, 9^ inches by 8 inches. Acquired from the Wallenstein collection, Dux, 1741. In the Dresden Gallery, 1908 catalogue, No. 1359. 273. PORTRAIT OF A PREACHER. M. 179. Half-length. He is turned three-quarters right, but looks at the spectator. He has a moustache and whiskers, and grey hair covered with a small cap. His black clothes hang on him as if he were a doll j he has a white collar. The left hand, holding his gloves, is alone visible. The flesh tints are a blackish-red, especially on the cheek-bone, the nose, and the ear. The face and hands are out of tone with the rest. Judging from the costume, one would date the portrait about 1650. [Possibly identical with 219, the lost portrait of Jan Ruyll.] Signed on the right at foot with the monogram ; panel, a small, narrow picture. In the Von Liphart collection, Dresden ; formerly at Rathshof, near Dorpat. 274. PORTRAIT OF A MAN STANDING. M. 109. Three-quarter-length. He is turned three-quarters right, but looks at the spectator. The left arm hangs down beside the body, and the left hand grasps a corner of the cloak. The right hand, with the palm upward, rests on the hip. He has a moustache and imperial. He wears a black hat, a close-fitting white collar, and white wristbands. He is dressed in black, with a black cloak wound round his hips. Dark-grey background. The picture is strongly lighted from the left. Painted about 1635-40. There is more expression in the man's face than there is in the woman's face in the pendant (377). Canvas, 46 inches by 34 inches. Engraved on wood by Jonnard in the Magazine of Art, 1890. Given to the Gallery by William M'Ewan, 1885. In the Scottish National Gallery, Edinburgh, 1900 catalogue, No. 35.