Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/105

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xin JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 91 Adriaen van de Velde ; the more distant figures, however, are by Ruisdael himself. Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 43! inches by 57 inches. Acquired by the Empress Catherine II. In the Hermitage Palace, St. Petersburg, 1901 catalogue, No. 1145 ; it, was there in 1835 (Sm., who valued it at .735). 277. A NORTHERN LANDSCAPE WITH A WATER- FALL. A river, flowing from the background, forms a waterfall amid rocks in front. To the left, beyond the stream, is a wood with a cottage on the bank. From the cottage a little wooden bridge leads to the right bank ; a shepherd and a boy drive a flock of sheep across. Beyond the stream to the right is a hill on which stands a large house amid trees and bushes. In the distance, above a little wood, rises the steeple of a church. Genuine but much repainted. Catalogued as a copy by H. Kobell. Signed in full on the left at foot ; canvas, 25 inches by 21 inches. Pendant to the picture by H. Kobell, No. 515 in the collection. In the collection of Prince E. Sapiega, confiscated in 1832. Given to the Academy by the Tsar Nicholas in 1832. In the Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, 1874 catalogue, No. 536. 278. A HILLY LANDSCAPE. On a low cliff in the centre is a group of large trees. On the right a road, bordered by a hedge, winds round the hill. Three persons walk on the road, at the end of which, in the distance, is a cottage. To the left is a view of hills, with water below. The figures are by the painter himself. Signed in full on the right at foot ; canvas, 38^ inches by 32 inches. In the Koucheleff-Besborodko collection, St. Petersburg, 1886 catalogue, No. 61. 279. LANDSCAPE WITH A WATERFALL. In front is the waterfall ; beyond is a placid stream. To the right amid trees is a church in sunlight. To the left is another church in front of hills. Finely lighted clouds. Signed in full on the left. In the collection of Count Orloff Davidoff, St. Petersburg. 280. A NORTHERN LANDSCAPE WITH A WATER- FALL. To the left is a hill with fir trees. A torrent breaks through the rocks and falls in cascades to the foreground. On a cliff in the middle distance are three figures. The sky is cloudy and sombre. Signed with the monogram, and dated 1659; panel, n inches by 8^ inches. In the collection of P. von Semeonoff, St. Petersburg, 1906 catalogue, No. 463. 281. A NORTHERN LANDSCAPE WITH A WATER- FALL. Very dark. In the collection of Colonel Egremont Wyndham, Petvvorth, 1854 (Waagen, iii. 40). In the collection of Lord Leconfield, Petworth, No. 48*.