Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/120

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106 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. Canvas, 26J inches by 32^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, June 16, 1802, No. 146 (500 florins, J. Smit). 3 IDC. A Wooded Landscape with a Waterfall. A stream rushes down amid rocks. It is crossed by a bridge on which are peasants with a dog. On the left between hills is a road j a man comes down it, and another man goes up. In the valley, near a felled tree, are sheep ; bushes are reflected in the stream. Fine clouds in a clear sky. Canvas, 42 inches by 51 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 29, 1802, No. 47 (300 florins, Gruijter). 311. Landscape with a Waterfall. The water rushes down into a valley in front. Trees, and hills, on the slopes and tops of which sheep graze. Figures. Canvas, 24^ inches by 31^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 7, 1803, No. 142 (1400 florins). 312. Landscape with a Waterfall. Sm. 99. The fall is in front. On a tree-clad hill to the right is a chapel. On the left a tree with fine foliage stands out against a clear sky. Sale. St. Martin, Paris, 1804 (1300 francs). 313. Landscape with Trees and a Waterfall. Near the fall in front lies a big tree. In a woodland path with high trees are two peasants with two pack-asses and a dog, followed by a woman. Near them, on a road, is a horseman. Cottages. Canvas, 24^ inches by 23^ inches. Sales. Amsterdam, September 7, 1803, No. 144 (400 florins). Amsterdam, May 7, 1804, No. 140. 3130. Landscape with a Waterfall. Sale. Bryan, London, May 7, 1804 (^205). 313^. Landscape with a Waterfall. Figures by Ph. Wouwerman. Sale. Bryan, London, May 7, 1804 (255). 314. A Northern Hill Landscape with a Waterfall. The water fills the whole foreground. Canvas, 37 inches by 31 inches. Sale. Maria Theresia Wittebol and De Labistraeten, Antwerp, July 19, 1804, No. 147 (825 florins). 3140. A Northern Hill Landscape with a Waterfall. The fall is on the left. Peasants near a cottage. Canvas, 17^ inches by 16^ inches. Sale. Maria Theresia Wittebol and De Labistraeten, Antwerp, July 19, 1804, No. 149 (160 florins). 315. A Wooded Hill Landscape with a Waterfall in front. [Pendant to No. 37 of the sale.] Canvas, 26^ inches by 21 inches.