Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/128

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ii4 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 34o<r. A Norwegian Landscape with a Waterfall. Great masses of rock, broken and crowned by trees, bushes, and plants, form an amphitheatre from right to left. On the slope of a hill are thatched cottages; two men and a woman walk away. Lower down, a stream rushes down into a torrent which covers the foot of the rocks with foam and carries away rocks and tree-trunks. To the left is a range of hills, covered with trees, which is lost behind the higher rocks. Cloudy sky. [Possibly identical with 384.] Canvas, 40^ inches by 50 inches. Sale. Danoot, Brussels, December 22, 1828, No. 68. 341. A View in Norway, with a Waterfall. Sm. 180. In a wild romantic landscape a torrent flows amid rocks and falls in front, spreading out in foaming eddies. To the right is a tree-trunk, and behind it are other trees finely relieved against the sky. Seven figures and sheep, by Berchem. [Compare 293.] Canvas, 19 inches by 24 inches. Sm. notes that a picture corresponding to the description, and measuring 19^ inches by 23^ inches, was in 1835 ^ n the collection of Count Czernin von Chudenitz, Vienna probably 293. Sales. Robert de St. Victor, Paris, November 22, 1822 (1930 francs). Thomas Emmerson, London, 1829 (98 : 145.). 342. A Waterfall. Sm. 248. In a wild hilly landscape a river falls from a height amid rocks, and flows in white foam over tree-trunks across the whole foreground. On the mountain slopes to the right are a few bushy trees. On the most distant hill to the left is a castle. Over- cast sky. Canvas, 39 inches by 31^ inches. Sale. J. H. Lister, London, 1831 (.183 : 153.). 343. A Waterfall. Sm. no. From rocks surmounted with trees on the right, a cascade falls through a chasm to the front and flows to the left. Trees enclose the distance. Panel, n inches by 14^ inches. Sale. Elisha Biscoe, Holton Park, 1833 (44:2$.). 344. A Waterfall. Sm. 262. A broad stream flows from right to left amid masses of rocks. Two logs float on the water in the right fore- ground. Four others lie on the bank in the middle distance, near a woodcutter's hut. In the centre are two lofty pines; beyond is a wooden bridge. In the distance are wooded hills. Rain-clouds in a gloomy sky. Canvas, 24 inches by 21 inches. Sale. Charles O'Neil, London, 1834 (53 : us.). 345. Landscape with a Little Waterfall. Sm. 263. On the right is a fine wood of oaks and other trees. Near the front are two oaks, with the stems crossing. At the foot of these is a small cascade, flowing into a river which divides the landscape on the left. In the rugged fore- ground are the trunk and stump of an old tree, water-flags, and stones.