Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/131

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xni JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 117 355. A Waterfall. Sm. 163, and Suppl. 95. Two tree-trunks lie on a rocky bank to the left. Beyond them stands a pine tree. Farther away is a building on a hill-top. The other side is wooded, with pines and other trees. Rainy sky. Canvas, 27 inches by 22 inches. In the collection of Sir Charles Bagot, Bart., 1835 (Sm.). Sale. Sir C. Bagot, London, June 17, 1836 G8o : 175., Mackenzie). 356. A Hill Landscape with a Waterfall. The water rushes down between rocks in front. On the rocks are felled firs, with two figures. Silvery tone. Canvas, 26 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Baroness de Pagniet, Utrecht, July 26, 1836, No. 22 (570 florins, Velthoven for Tuyll). 357. A Hill Landscape with a Waterfall in front. On a hill in the middle distance is a cottage. Canvas, 26 inches by 22 inches. Sale. Baroness de Pagniet, Utrecht, July 26, 1836, No. 23 (1080 florins, Bunton). 358. A Waterfall in a Hill Landscape. Sm. Suppl. 39. The cataract is divided in the centre by a jutting rock and, falling in foam, spreads over the foreground. On the rugged bank to the right is a leaf- less beech. Across the stream is a mountain thickly clothed with bushy trees, amid which rises a castle tower. On a hill to the left is a clump of trees ; on a lonely road near it are a man and a boy, seen from the back ; beyond them is a third figure. Evening. Canvas, 27 inches by 21^ inches. Sale. Thomas Clutterbuck, London, 1837 Gioo : 5 : 6). 358^. A Hill Landscape with a Fine Waterfall in front. Men and horses. Canvas, 40^ inches by 37 inches. Sale.]. Nepveu and A. Zalm, Amsterdam, April 3, 1837, No. 56 (20 florins, Keyzer). 359. A Waterfall. Sm. Suppl. 70. From the right of a hilly land- scape, a river flows placidly through the centre and falls in two branches amid rocks to the left, and then along the foreground. A long plank bridge, supported on rocks, crosses the fall. A man with a bundle on his back walks over the bridge ; on the bank are three figures. The distance is; well wooded. On the right is a view of an open moor with two cottages. Rainy sky. Canvas, 29^ inches by 36^ inches. Sale. John Dean Thompson, London, 1838 (.268 : i6s., Nieuwenhuys). 360. A Waterfall in a Wooded Landscape. Sm. 273, and Suppl. 86. A river, flowing diagonally from the left, falls in a cascade in front. Three trees, one of them withered, stand on a high bank near the