Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/147

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xni JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 133 41 6c. A Hill Landscape with a Waterfall. A felled tree in front. 12 inches by 14^ inches. In the collection of Lord Dunmore. Sale. London, May 13, 1893, No. 77. 416^. A Hill Landscape with a Waterfall. 21 1 inches by 18 inches. Sale. London, May 13, 1893, No. 78. 416*. A Hill Landscape with a Little Waterfall. A little mountain stream, flowing between the dense outskirts of a wood and a steep wooded hill, forms a waterfall in front. Beyond is a valley with a cottage and a flock of sheep. In the distance is a range of hills. Signed in full ; canvas, 50 inches by 38 inches. Sale. L. von Lilienthal and others, Cologne, December 21, 1893, No. 367. 417. A HILL LANDSCAPE WITH A WATERFALL. Sm. Suppl. 114. In the left foreground is a waterfall. In the right fore- ground, on the high steep bank, is a broken tree-trunk with the stump to the right. This bank goes back far beyond the centre of the middle dis- tance, where it is thickly overgrown with trees and bushes. In front of these, in the right-hand corner, are two cottages close together. In front of the right-hand cottage is a well. Behind it, to the right, the roofs and square church tower of a village rise amid the trees. Beyond, towards the right foreground, stretches an open plateau with a few bushes ; almost at the right side of the picture a man sits conversing with another who leans on a stick. In the left foreground is a small piece of the other bank, over- grown with bushes. Behind and across the stream is a distant view, filling less than a third of the whole width of the picture. A village with a church is visible j in the distance are hills. Cloudy sky. " This splendid landscape is painted with admirable breadth and with singular delicacy of pencilling " (Sm.). [Compare 422.] Signed in full on the bank to the left ; canvas, 31^ inches by 39! inches. Sale. Comte Perregaux, Paris, December 8, 1841, No. 32 (16,000 francs, Arteria) ; mentioned by Ch. Blanc, ii. 448. Sold by Arteria to W. Theobald. Sale. W. Theobald, London, May 10, 1851 (372 : 153., Nieuwenhuys). In the collection of Adrian Hope, 1854; noted by Sm. in his own copy of his catalogue. Sale. Adrian Hope, London, June 30, 1894, No. 60 (ji68o, Agnew). 41 7#. A Broad Mountain Stream falling in Cascades. The waterfall is on the right in front of a lofty hill, on which are castles. To the left is a wide hilly landscape, with several travellers. In front is a laden pack-ass with its driver. Canvas, 32^ inches by 39 inches. In the Wallis collection. Sale. Chr. Hammer of Stockholm, Cologne, October 5, 1894, No. 193.