Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/167

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xiii JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 153 To the right of him, at the roadside, a woman sits with a child on her lap, conversing with a man who stands before her ; he has dismounted from his horse, which stands with its head turned away, and is tightening the girths. To the left of the road are two beggars. In the left foreground are large trees, with broken tree-trunks on the ground in front. The catalogue says that the landscape is by Hobbema and the figures by Ph. Wouwerman, but adds that the landscape is more likely to be the work of Ruisdael, to whom Sm. assigned it in his catalogue. The figures are by Lingelbach. " This excellent picture is painted with the sparkling touch and freshness of tone of Hobbema, to whom it has been attributed " (Sm.). [Pendant to Hobbema, 164.] Canvas, 24 inches by 32 inches. In the collection of Lord Francis Egerton, London, 1835 (Sm.). In the collection of the Earl of Ellesmere, Bridgewater House, London, 1892 catalogue, No. 257. 485. A WOODED LANDSCAPE WITH A POOL. The pool, overgrown with reeds and water-lilies, fills almost the whole fore- ground, except for a strip of dry land to the right. On the left lies a tree-trunk, with the -pool in front. Beyond are a wood and scattered trees towards the centre of the middle distance, where sheep graze. In the centre is sunlit sand, with a cornfield to the right. Beyond the field a woman sits with her back to the spectator, conversing with a shepherd who stands in front of her. In the distance to right and left between the trees is seen a wooded plain. Signed in full on the right at foot ; a broad picture. Described from a half-tone print. In a private collection in London. 486. A WOODED PLAIN WITH A RIVER. Sm. 199. A river winds through the wood. On the banks are high trees. To the left a flock of sheep graze. On the right, under the trees, are two men. In the distance are a church and a village. Signed on the left with the monogram ; canvas, 24 inches by 30 inches. In the collection of the Marquess of Bute, London, Richter's 1884 catalogue, No. 147 ; it was there in 1835 (Sm.). 487. A WOOD WITH A WATERFALL IN FRONT.- On the farther bank are an oak and other trees, amid which is a cottage. Near the oak a man holds a rearing pony. Beyond, a sportsman fires. Signed in full on the right ; canvas on panel, 20 inches by 23 inches. Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, London, 1900, No. 34. In the collection of the late F. Fleischmann, London. LANDSCAPE WITH A GLADE OF TREES. Through a quiet wooded landscape a clear stream flows gently to the front. On the right a road leads through a wood to the bank of the stream. On the road a man in red stands conversing with another man who is seated. At the roadside are a young oak and a tree-stump. Over the water hang old polled oaks. Farther away a man drives two cows along