Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/171

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xiii JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 157 foreground. In the middle distance it is flooded, and three cows and a goat stand in the water. At either side are tall trees. On the road in front a woman sits with feet crossed on an ass, and converses with a shepherd, wearing a broad-brimmed felt hat and a cloak, who stands to the right looking at her, with his left hand on his breast. Behind him stands an ox, turned to the right ; on the left a dog runs forward. In the extreme left foreground a traveller sits by the roadside adjusting his boots and stock- ings ; his pack and stick lie to the left. On the left side of the road is a great withered beech ; on the extreme right is the stump of a large broken tree. In the wood to the left a traveller goes away up a hill. The figures are by N. Berchem. Clearly it was not only in the early period that he painted figures for Ruisdael's landscapes, for this picture is certainly not earlier than 1660. [Compare 1063.] Signed in full ; canvas, 68 inches by 77^ inches. Engraved by Geissler in the Musee Francis, In the Louvre, Paris, 1903 catalogue, No. 2557 ; it was there in 1816 (when it was valued by the experts at 40,000 francs). 500. THE ENTRANCE TO A WOOD. In front to the right lies a white tree-trunk ; two woodcutters chop off the branches. Behind to the left are lofty oaks. In the right foreground are bushes, with trees behind. In the centre is a road. In the distance is a pool ; beyond it is a village with a church, and a background of hills. Cloudy sky. The figures are by Ruisdael himself. The picture dates from the beginning of his last period. [Compare 1063.] Signed in full on the right ; canvas, 22 inches by 25 inches. Bequeathed to the Louvre in 1892 by Leon Moreaux. In the Louvre, Paris, 1903 catalogue, No. 2561*. 501. A WOOD WITH WATER. In the middle distance is a hill with oaks ; a great oak in the centre is especially prominent. Through the wood to the left runs a road, which is sunlit in front. On the road farther back is a small figure ; nearer the front is a seated man. The road leads to the right foreground. On both sides of the road, in the left fore- ground and farther back on the right, are placid pools. On the left bank are bushes. Beyond the farther pool a woman walks towards the left fore- ground. On the right is a view of hills. In the collection of Baron Arthur de Rothschild, who bequeathed it to the Louvre. In the Louvre, Paris ; not yet catalogued. 502. A LANDSCAPE. On the left a road leads past a cottage to a hill. A man in a waggon gives an alms to a beggar. A little girl runs after the waggon. Two boys turn somersaults in front. In the right foreground is a pool under trees. Signed on the left with the monogram ; panel, 14 inches by i6 inches. In the Louvre, Paris, 1874 catalogue, No. 475 ; not in the new catalogue. 502*. A WOODED AND HILLY LANDSCAPE WITH