Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/176

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162 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. In the Nostitz inventory of 1765. In the Nostitz collection, Prague, 1906 catalogue, No. 1 88 (old No. 1 60). 517. A WOOD WITH A POOL. In front is a pool. From the left distance a winding road leads to the pool. A woman sits in a two- wheeled cart, drawn by a grey horse. On the left a horseman waters his horse. There are other figures and animals, with cows in the water. In the distance is a bluish plain. A very early work, much in the style or Hobbema. Canvas, 2i inches by 26 inches. Probably in the collection of Queen Louisa Ulrica of Sweden. In the National Museum, Stockholm, 1900 catalogue, No. 616. 518. A River in a Wooded and Hilly Landscape. A wooden bridge crosses the river. The picture at first produces a favourable impression, but seems to have been repainted. The surface cracks are suspicious. In the Warsaw Museum, 1901 catalogue, No. 83. 519. HORSEMEN FORDING A STREAM. On the right are horsemen. The leading man on the left, in a red coat and a grey hat with broad flapping brim, leads a pack-horse by the bridle across a ford. On the bank to the left is a great oak with brown foliage. Beyond the man is a young tree where dense foliage hangs over the water. Both banks are lined with masses of foliage. Above the low bushes in the centre rises a hill. The sunlight falls on the water in front of the oak. Blue sky with heavy grey clouds. The attribution to Ruisdael, according to the catalogue, is doubtful. Canvas, 23^ inches by 30 inches. In the collection of the Duke of Portland, Welbeck Abbey, 1894 catalogue, No. 136 ; it was there in 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 513). 520. A WOODED LANDSCAPE. The road is flooded in the right foreground. On the left is a wood. On the right a shady road leads away ; a man and a boy walk off along the road. To the right are trees. In the middle is a sunlit glade, in which a man and a woman walk to the left. Beyond, the wood closes the view. An early work. Signed with the monogram on the right at foot ; panel, 9 inches by 12 inches. In the Von Reith collection, from which it was bought in 181 1. In the Imperial Gallery, Vienna, 1907 catalogue, No. 1336. 521. A WOOD WITH A FLOODED ROAD. Sm. 226. A wood of lofty oaks and beeches, through which is seen the distance, fills more than the right half of the middle distance ; on the left is a dense mass of trees and bushes. From the centre a road with deep ruts comes to the left foreground, making a sharp bend in the middle distance. Beyond the bend, a man and a woman come forward. Nearer the front a man sits at the roadside to the right, with a bundle beside him. In front the road is flooded. At the left side is a tree-stump. The figures are by