Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/190

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176 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 5540. A Ferry-Boat with Figures on a River. On the banks are great trees and undergrowth. Signed in full ; panel, i6i inches by 26 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, December 20, 1841, No. 41. 555. The Outskirts of a Wood. Sm. Suppl. 26. On the right, beside a road leading into a wood, a woman with a child stands conversing with a seated traveller. A pool stretches across the centre. Beyond are meadows, bordered by a few trees. On a bank in front a tree-trunk lies near its stump. A cool evening, with a dark rainy sky. [Pendant to 846.] Canvas, 20 inches by 24 inches. In the collection of the Earl of Burlington, Holker Hall, 1842 (Sm.). 556. A Wooded Landscape with a Bridge. Sm. Suppl. 14. On the left is a wooden bridge over a stream flowing along the front. In the centre are two cottages. On the bank beyond the bridge is a clump of high trees. Near them a peasant drives a flock of sheep towards a man and a woman who are at the end of a winding road. Canvas, 38 inches by 33! inches. In the possession of the London dealer Emmerson before 1842 (Sm.). 557. A Wooded Landscape with a Stream. Sm. Suppl. 102. On the left is a clump of beeches, oaks, and other trees on a rugged hill, from the side of which a stream flows along the middle distance. Beyond the stream is a thick leafy wood, near which are two peasants. Above the distant trees rise the ruins of a castle. Beyond is a range of blue hills. On a hill to the left are a few sheep. The centre is sunlit. " A clear and excellent production " (Sm.). Canvas, 26 inches by 36 inches. In the collection of J. Norris, Red Vales, near Bury, 1842 (Sm.). 558. Cows watering. Sm. Suppl. 40. In the foreground of a well-wooded landscape cows stand in a pool. Beyond are clumps of high trees and a square tower. On the left are a few fishing-boats. In the distance is the sea. Masses of rolling clouds fill the sky ; a burst of sun- light illumines the middle of the landscape. The cattle and figures are by A. van de Velde. Canvas, 34 inches by 45 inches. In the collection of Lord Carrington, Wycombe Abbey, 1842 (Sm.). 558^. A Wooded Landscape with a Pool. Herdsmen and cattle. Signed in full ; panel, 10 inches by 16 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, November 21, 1843, No. 80 (20 florins, Weymar). 559. Duck-Shooting. Sm. Suppl. u. A wooded landscape with a pool in front. A sportsman fires at ducks on the water. Farther away a huntsman chases a stag. Canvas a panel, according to Sm. 12 inches by 10 inches. Sale. Martini, Paris, March 23, 1844, No. 17 ; it was in the collection in 1842 (Sm.).