Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/193

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xiii JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 179 566*. A Wooded Landscape with a Little Pool. Hills in the distance. Panel, 14 inches by 12 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, December 17, 1850, No. 224 (28 florins, apparently bought in). Amsterdam, September 15, 1851, No. 224. 566^. Three Cows crossing a Pool. In the foreground of a dark wood. Delicate sky. In the collection of Richard Ford, London, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 225). 567. A Wood with a Pool. Figures by A. van de Velde. In the collection of Lionel de Rothschild, London, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 130). In the collection of Lord Rothschild, London. 567^7. A Wood with a Still Pool. The trees are reflected in the water. In front are four fine oaks. Signed, and dated 1669. In the Wombwell collection, London, 1854 (Waagen, ii. 309). 568. A Wooded Landscape with a Stream. Sm. 237. In front a rapid stream flows between high rugged banks, covered with trees and bushes, among which are sheep. On the river in front are waterfowl. Canvas, 21 inches by 27 inches. In the Eycoot collection. Sale. M. Zachary, London, 1828 (225 : 155.). In the Hartwright collection, Manchester, 1835 (Sm.). Sales. P. Ricketts, London, 1850 (162 : 55.). T. B. Brown, London, 1856 (131 : 5s.). 568*7. A Dark Wood. A vista in the centre. Under two high trees in front sits a sportsman with his dog. Beyond are a pool and hills. On the nearer bank of the pool are a man and a woman with an ass and sheep. Panel. In the collection of W. W. Bardon, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1857 (Waagen, Suppl. 476). 569. A Group of Trees with a Stream. Sm. 150. The trees in the centre are reflected in a stream filling most of the foreground. To the left are two felled trees ; beyond are two cows, sheep, a man, and a dog. In the distance are a church tower and houses. "The figures which enliven this excellent picture are by A. van de Velde" (Sm.). [Possibly a pendant to 543.] Canvas, 38 inches by 47 inches. Sales. De Catelan, Paris, January 16, 1816 (10,000 francs). Le Rouge, Paris, April 27, 1818 (10,400 francs). Comte Pourtales, London, 1826 pictures bought by Sm. and Emmerson and put up for sale (.315). D. Macintosh, London, 1857. H. H. Campbell, London, 1872 (577 : ios., Barre).