Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/199

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xm JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 185 a horseman leaps forward. The figures are said to be by Philips Wouwer- man. [Probably identical with 621.] Signed in full ; panel, 19 inches by 24^ inches. Exhibited at Dtisseldorf, 1886, No. 286. Then in the collection of J. B. Hoffmann, Wiesbaden. 585^. Landscape with a Lake. The lake fills the centre and is surrounded by thick bushes. In the distance, amid bushes, is a tower. In the foreground, which is thickly overgrown with reeds, a dog barks at a cow. Signed in full on the left at foot, and dated 1657 ; canvas, ii inches by 1 6 inches. Sale. Countess Reigersberg, Cologne, October 15, 1890, No. 134. 586. A WOOD WITH A POOL. A glade with a little pool in front. Beside it sit a man and a woman. On the other side are a man, a woman, and a boy with a dog. On the road farther back a shepherd with sheep is in front of a cottage. Blue sky with clouds. The figures are by Berchem. An early work, dating from about 1650; its genuine- ness has been wrongfully questioned. Signed in full on the right ; panel, 27 inches by 36 inches. Exhibited at the Royal Academy Winter Exhibition, London, 1894, No. 71. Then in the possession of the London dealer Martin Colnaghi. 586*. A Little Pool amid Woods. Near the pool on the left are two anglers. At the side, on a road along the bank, is a traveller with a dog. Signed with the monogram; panel, 13! inches by 15^ inches. Sales. L. von Lilienthal and others, Cologne, December 21, 1893, No. 368. Bokelmann and others, Cologne, December 19, 1894, No. 357. 587. A Wooded Landscape. At the foot of a thickly wooded hill is a stream. A broad road leads from the hill over a bridge to the left foreground. On the road is a woman carrying a bundle on her head and accompanied by a child. A man is on the bridge. Signed with the monogram ; canvas, 41 1 inches by 50^ inches. Sale. C. Sedelmeyer of Paris, Berlin, November 16, 1897, No. 42. 588. DUCK-SHOOTING. In the foreground of a wooded land- scape, the trees in which are strongly relieved against the sky, is a pool. Two sportsmen are in a boat j one shoots at ducks. Sunset. The little figures are by A. van de Velde. The picture has been damaged. Signed in full on the boat ; panel, 20^ inches by 16 inches. Sale. Edouard Kums, Antwerp, May 17, 1898, No. 128 (525 francs, Keusters). 589. A PLACID RIVER AT THE EDGE OF A WOOD. A placid river fills the foreground ; to the left are reeds and to the right water-lily plants, not in bloom. The river stretches away into the left distance, where there are several boats. The left bank is hilly. The