Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/209

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XIII JAUUtf VAIN KULbUAJjJ^ 195 Signed in full on the left at foot ; canvas, 26 inches by 21 inches. Sale. Dr. Braggs, London, 1758 Gio : IDS., J. Warde). In the collection of Colonel Warde, Squerries Court, Westerham. 627. A ROAD THROUGH AN OAK WOOD. Sm. Suppl. 62. A wood of tall oaks in full leaf fills the right half of the middle distance. A road, in places strongly lighted, leads through the wood to the right. A man leading a boy walks towards the entrance of the wood. In the left centre foreground is a lofty oak with leaves only on the left side. Beyond it to the left are charcoal-burners near smoking tree-trunks. In the left distance is a hilly landscape with windmills. Late afternoon. Probably of the very late period. [Pendant to 371.] Signed in full ; canvas, 41 inches by 50 inches. Etched by Boilvin and Monsanto. Exhibited at the British Institution, London, 1839; anc ^ at Vienna, 1873, No. 29. In the collection of Sir Thomas Baring, London, 1839. Sales. Sir T. Baring, London, June 2, 1848 (95 : us., Capron). C. Sedelmeyer, Vienna, December 20, 1872, No. 142 (18,500 florins, A. Scharf). A. Scharf of Vienna, Paris, March 18, 1876. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 9, 1881, No. 448. In the possession of the Paris dealer C. Sedelmeyer, " Catalogue of 300 Paintings," 1898, No. 180. In the collection of Prince Liechtenstein, Vienna. 628. THE STRAYED HORSEMAN. A cavalier on a grey horse, who has lost his way, is directed by a peasant lad who holds his bridle. The cavalier wears a red cloak and a large plumed slouch hat. On the grass to the right of the road sits a woman with a child on her back. On the left a peasant walks beside some bushes. On the right is a tree-trunk. Blue sky with white clouds. Signed in full on the left ; panel, i8| inches by 15^ inches. In the collection of King Leopold II., Brussels. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the collection of Stephan von Auspitz, Vienna. 628.2. Landscape with a Wood. Sale. Guerin, The Hague, September 13, 1740 (Terw. 31), No. 79 (25 florins 5, with another picture of the same number, 820^). 628^. View of a Wood. Sale. Guerin and others, The Hague, September 13, 1740, No. 92 (13 florins) not mentioned by Terw. 62 8r. A Wood with Sheep. Sale. W. van Velthuyzen, Rotterdam, April 15, 1751, No. 28. 628^. A Wooded Landscape. 23^ inches by 30 inches. Sale. H. Wolters, Amsterdam, May 4, 1757, No. 41.