Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/214

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200 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. Canvas, 22 inches by 28 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, September 7, 1803, No. 143 (600 florins). 634^. A View in the Woods at the Hague. Sm. 66. Canvas, 51 inches by 66 inches. Sales. Marin, Paris, March 22, 1790 (1200 francs). St. Martin, Paris, 1804 (1600 francs). 634/1. A Wooded Landscape with Figures. Signed in full j canvas, 32 inches by 40 inches. Sale. T. H. van Willigen and others, The Hague, October 9, 1805, No. 54 (l florin 12, Van Giesen). 634*'. A Wooded Landscape. Robbers shoot at horsemen. Panel, 13 inches by 20^ inches. Sale. Jos. Valette and others, Amsterdam, August 26, 1807, No. 188. 6347. A Wooded Landscape. High trees. By the roadside sits a woman with a child on her lap. Near her stands a peasant. Cattle. Panel, 27^ inches by 2i inches. Sales. J. W. van Arp, Amsterdam, June 19, 1800, No. 141 (106 florins, C. S. Roos). M. Udink, Amsterdam, October 28, 1808, No. 52 (30 florins, T. Spaan). 635. Landscape with a View through a Wood. Sm. 123. Cattle and figures. Sales. J. L. van der Dussen, Amsterdam, October 31, 1774 (3 2 5 florins). Hastings, London, 1809 (210). 635*7. A Wooded Landscape. High and low trees. In front are tree-trunks, woods, and grass. A broad view over dunes, with hills and two mills. Figures. Canvas, 27 inches by 29 inches. Sale. Caspar van Citters, Rotterdam, July I, 1811, No. 41. 635-6. A Wooded Landscape. Sm. 143. Men returning from the chase. Sale. General Craig, London, April 18, 1812 (70 : 73.) 635^. A Wooded Landscape. [Pendant to 159^.] Sale. Duke of Brunswick, London, 1813 (39 : 8s., Woodburn). 635^. A Wooded Landscape. Massive trees, cattle, and a traveller. Panel, 17 inches by 19^ inches. Sale. M. Watering, Amsterdam, September 9, 1813, No. 53 (114 florins, Dupree). 635^. A Woodland Road. In a landscape a road leads through a wood full of picturesque trees. Figures by B. Gael. Canvas, 26 inches by 20 inches.