Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/232

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218 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 689*:. A River Landscape. Boats. In the distance are trees and a church tower. Panel, 2o| inches by 32^ inches. Sale. P. Lyonct, Amsterdam, April n, 1791, No. 225 (39 florins, Munnilc- huysen). 689^. A River Landscape. A road with trees runs along the river in front of the gate of a town. In the foreground is a ferry-boat carrying passengers and cattle. In the distance are ships and boats under sail or at anchor. [Pendant to 689^.] Panel, 19^ inches by 27 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 24, 1792, No. 82 (98 florins, with pendant, Yver). 689^. A River Landscape. Near a village with a church and trees. In front are fishermen in boats and ships under sail. Near the bank, cattle stand in the water. [Pendant to 689^.] Panel, 19^ inches by 27 inches. Sale. Amsterdam, July 24, 1792, No. 83 (98 florins, with pendant, Yver). 68g/ A Placid River with Fishermen in a Boat. In front are two fishermen in a boat. At the side, on the bank, are cottages and trees, with a distant mill. Panel, 8| inches by n inches. Sale. J. H. Troost van Groenendoelen and Versteegen, Amsterdam, June 27, 1796, No. 16 (12 florins, Yver). 689^. A River Landscape with a Fisherman in a Boat. [Pendant to 531^.] Panel, 7 inches by 9 inches. Sale. J. Danser Nijman, Amsterdam, August 1 6, 1797, No. 228 (102 florins, with pendant). 689/2. Fishermen in their Boats. Still water. Other boats. A pleasant distance. 22| inches by 31^ inches. Sale. Amsterdam, May 5, 1802, No. 180 (7 florins 15, Pruijssenaar). 689?. Landscape with High Trees and Fishermen in front. ii inches by 16 inches. Sale. Utrecht, April 22, 1811, No. 99. 6897. A River Landscape with Anglers. Sm. 146. On the right is a white sandy bank, with green slopes, vales, and hills. To the left is a thick shady wood. On a dark green bank projecting into the water, a man stands angling. Some ducks are on the water. In the distance is a flat sunny landscape. Beyond are sheep and a shepherd conversing with a girl. [Pendant to 738.] Panel, 9 inches by ii inches. Sales. N. NieuhoiF, Amsterdam, April 14, 1777, No. 172 (181 florins, with pendant, De Winter). H. Muilman, Amsterdam, April 12, 1813, No. 132 (450 florins, with pendant).