Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/236

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222 JACOB VAN RUISDAEL SECT. 701*. A Wooded Landscape with a Placid River and Bathers. Panel, 14 inches by 1 1 inches. Sale. (Fiseau ? ) Amsterdam, August 30, 1797, No. 188 (26 florins, Brentano). 701^ and c. Two Landscapes with Bathers. [Pendants.] Panel, i8 inches by 23 inches. Sale. Iman Pauw and others, The Hague, November 23, 1779, Nos. 122 and 123. 702. A River Landscape with Nymphs bathing. Leafy trees. In a river in front nymphs are bathing. The nymphs are by Poelenburg. Canvas, 26 inches by 30 inches. Sales. Amsterdam, June 21, 1774, No. 182 (34 florins, Brown). Koucheleff-Besborodko, Paris, June 5, 1869, No. 31 (6400 francs). 702*7. THE TWO OAKS. On the right, somewhat high up towards the middle distance, are two large leafy oaks, whose foliage fills the whole width of the picture. The oak to the left is the larger. On the left, farther back, is a river with a little boat. The farther bank is densely wooded. In the left foreground a horseman in a loose red cloak on a grey horse, and a huntsman on foot course a hare with hounds. The foreground is covered with bushes. In the left centre is a tree-stump. Light clouds in the sky. Signed in full on the right at foot, and dated 1651 ; canvas, 36 inches by 28^ inches. Probably the picture in the Rinecker collection, Wurzburg, 1859, men ~ tioned by Parthey (ii. 456), though in this case he probably misread the date as 1657. Sale. Duval, Paris, December n, 1905, No. 86. In the possession of the Paris dealer F. Kleinberger. In the collection of General von Schubert, Berlin, jo-zb. Landscape with a Stream. Mentioned by De Sonneville, p. 87. In the Fourche collection, Bordeaux. 703. THE BANKS OF A RIVER. Sm. Suppl. 32. Through an open valley seen from above winds a river. In the left foreground three horsemen water their horses ; one horse is drinking. To the right, two men are angling. On the same bank, nearer the centre, are old oaks and other trees. In the middle distance is a bridge ; near it boys are bathing. On the river to the right is a ferry-boat. Along the right bank leads a road, from which in the middle distance diverge several roads leading to houses amid trees. A building with a high tower is especially prominent. The bluish-grey sky fills two-thirds of the picture ; across it from left to right sweep grey and white clouds. An important and very early picture. The figures are possibly by N. Berchem, rather than by Ph. Wouwerman, as the catalogue also suggests. Canvas, 54 inches by 77 inches.