Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/243

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xni JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 229 7id. A Wooded River Landscape. Sale. T. Norris, London, 1873 G^H 1 ? Doyle). j2ie. A Wooded River Landscape. Sale. T. Norris, London, 1873 (666 : 153., Colnaghi). 72 1/ A River Landscape with a Stag-Hunt. Sale. Cocks, London, 1875 (189, Colnaghi). J2ig. A Wooded River Landscape. Figures in a cottage. Sheep on a hill. Sale. Smith, London, 1875 ( z ^7 ' l S s -> King). 721/1. A River Landscape. A waggon and a ferry-boat. Sale. (Wynn ?) Ellis, London, 1876 (^120 : 155., Johnson). 72 i/. A Wooded River Landscape with a Church. Sale. Gladdish, London, 1877 (154 : 7s., Lesser). 721;'. A River Landscape with Figures. Oval. Sale. London, 1879 (107, Permain). 721 L A River Landscape. Sale. Baron Heath, London, March 8, 1879 (,7% ' I 5 s - Lesser). 72 1/. A Hilly River Landscape. Sale. W. B. White, London, May 1879 G I2 : I 5 s -> M. Colnaghi). 72iOT. Landscape in Gelderland. Farms, hills, and a river. Sales. General Conway, 1 796. Blomefield, London, 1879 (?3 ' IOS -> Cox). 722. A River Landscape. On the bank are bushes and willows. In the middle distance is a glade in full sunlight. Panel, 15 inches by 14 inches. Sales. J. B. Mettenbrink, Amsterdam, May 13, 1861. W. Gruijter, Amsterdam, October 24, 1882, No. 95. 723. A River Landscape. A river flows through the foreground at the foot of a wooded hill on which shepherds pasture their flocks. A tree on the bank has fallen and lies with its branches in the water. Fine clouds with sunlight edges in a grey sky. Panel, 20 inches by 26^ inches. Sale. Baron de Beurnonville, Paris, May 21, 1883, No. 89 (4500 francs). 723<7. A River Landscape. A woman washes linen. 13^ inches by 20 inches. Sale. Nieuwenhuys, London, 1886 (105, Lesser). 723^. A Wooded River Landscape. Sale. Nobbman, London, 1886 (136 : ids., Colnaghi).