Page:Hofstede de Groot catalogue raisonné, Volume 4, 1912.djvu/251

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xm JACOB VAN RUISDAEL 237 trees. The lower continuation of the hill is lost in the plain towards the left distance. Clouds. Panel, 10^ inches by 8| inches. Sale. P. Mersch of Paris, Berlin, March i, 1905, No. 94. 745. A Hilly Landscape with a Lake. In the right centre fore- ground is an isolated group of three oaks. On the road to the right a horse- man rides forward ; two peasants walk to the right of him. Beyond, the view is closed by a wood. To the left under the trees are three anglers ; behind them a lake spreads out over the left half of the picture. On the farther bank are trees, with a wide view of a hilly landscape beyond. In the right foreground two sheep are lying down ; to the left is another sheep. A broad picture. Described from an engraving in the Le Brun Gallery, inscribed *' Salomon van Ruysdael." 746. A Castle with a Big and Lofty Tower. It stands, sur- rounded by walls, in the middle distance of a hilly landscape. In a hollow in front stand two men with a dog. In the left foreground are two high trees. To the right are cottages. At the door of one cottage stand a man and a woman with two children. Dark clouds in the sky illumined by the setting sun. The picture hangs too high to be described more exactly, but it seems genuine. Canvas, 30^ inches by 48 inches. Sales. De Lassaulx, Koblenz, 1856. Coopman, Aachen, 1863. In the Suermondt Museum, Aachen, 1883 catalogue, No. 121. 747. AN OLD CHURCH IN A LANDSCAPE. Sm. 344, and Suppl. 101. A clear spring day. At the edge of a wood to the right stands a church with a high belfry. Behind to the left is a cottage, half hidden by trees. A river flows from the right foreground to the left background diagonally across the landscape and is lost in the distance. In the left foreground is a wooden bridge over a branch of the river ; a shepherd drives his sheep forward across the bridge. By the river farther back are trees, bushes, and water-plants. On the water are three boats. In the nearest are a man and a woman ; in the second is a man ; in the third is a man with a dog. An angler sits on the bank. " This capital picture is distinguished by the freshness of its tones, its extent and diversity of scenery, and the general luminous effect which prevails " (Sm.). Canvas, 42 inches by 16 inches. Exhibited with the Six collection, Amsterdam, 1900, No. 118. Sale. Andrew Harrison, London, 1821 (^315). Afterwards sold to Stacey of Norwich (630). In the collection of Charles O'Neil, 1835 (Sm.). Sold by the London dealer Chaplin in 1835 to Six van Hillegom. In the collection of J. Six, Amsterdam. 748. LANDSCAPE WITH A RUINED MONASTERY.